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 Newfoundland [`njufənd'lænd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 纽芬兰

    [ noun ]
    1. a breed of very large heavy dogs with a thick coarse usually black coat; highly intelligent dogs and vigorous swimmers; developed in Newfoundland

    2. <noun.animal>
    3. an island in the north Atlantic

    4. <noun.location>

    Newfoundland \New"found*land`\ (?, often ?), prop. n.
    1. An island on the coast of British North America, famed for
    the fishing grounds in its vicinity.

    2. A Newfoundland dog. --Tennyson.

    {Newfoundland dog} (Zo["o]l.), a breed of large dogs, with
    shaggy hair, which originated in Newfoundland, noted for
    intelligence, docility, and swimming powers.

    1. "When I first came here, live whales cost Newfoundland fishermen over $1 million a year from lost or damaged nets and all," Beamish says. "And now tourism probably brings in $1 million a year to the island.
    2. Canadian National Railways, the Canadian government-owned railway company, agreed to sell its Newfoundland telephone utility to Newfoundland Telephone Co. for 170 million Canadian dollars (US$138.6 million).
    3. Canadian National Railways, the Canadian government-owned railway company, agreed to sell its Newfoundland telephone utility to Newfoundland Telephone Co. for 170 million Canadian dollars (US$138.6 million).
    4. The Hibernia oil field was discovered almost 10 years ago but its development has been delayed by depressed oil prices and jurisdictional quarrels between the federal and Newfoundland governments.
    5. Three provinces, Manitoba, Newfoundland and New Brunswick, oppose the Meech Lake Accord.
    6. The Meech Lake accord failed in June, when the legislatures of Manitoba and Newfoundland decided against ratifying it.
    7. He predicted Canada "will get its loans back and more besides." Newfoundland Premier Clyde Wells said that in addition to Hibernia, there is a "significant level of excitement" about Terra Nova's prospects.
    8. John Efford, Newfoundland's social services minister, said, "There's a lot of questions going to have to be answered.
    9. But a spokesman for Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro-Electric Corp. said Hydro-Quebec's offer "isn't satisfactory" to Newfoundland, so that province will continue to oppose the New England transaction.
    10. But a spokesman for Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro-Electric Corp. said Hydro-Quebec's offer "isn't satisfactory" to Newfoundland, so that province will continue to oppose the New England transaction.
    11. Manitoba and Newfoundland are the two holdouts.
    12. Some industry analysts said Hibernia will encourage development of other east coast oil discoveries including the Terra Nova and White Rose fields, all off the coast of Newfoundland province.
    13. The Dictionary of Newfoundland English includes 600 pages of local words and expressions.
    14. A Canadian negotiator had been scheduled to meet his counterpart in Paris on Friday for discussions of fishing quotas in the waters around St. Pierre and Miquelon, which are 10 miles south of Newfoundland.
    15. A report in July by a church-appointed commission in Newfoundland said priests had sexually abused boys in the Canadian province for more than a decade and that the church had failed to stop it.
    16. Angry public protests have occurred from Newfoundland to Ontario to the Gaspe Peninsula of Quebec over what many feel are cuts in one of the few things that make Canadians really different from Americans.
    17. A new provincial government in Newfoundland has been threatening to rescind approval by a previous government.
    18. A judicial review of the Canadian Aviation Safety Board investigation into the 1985 crash that killed 256 Americans at Gander, Newfoundland, has found no need for more public inquiry, a newspaper said Tuesday.
    19. In 1928, aviator Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as she completed a flight from Newfoundland to Wales in about 21 hours.
    20. Doctors in the Newfoundland capital said the woman indicated she was a severely handicapped 14-year-old with a life-threatening muscle disease that left her unable to walk or talk, though she could communicate through sign language.
    21. Bermuda-based Newfoundland Energy is operating an oil refinery in Newfoundland that recently reopened after being idled for 11 years.
    22. Bermuda-based Newfoundland Energy is operating an oil refinery in Newfoundland that recently reopened after being idled for 11 years.
    23. Nelson and four others who were on the bus were not injured. They were on their way to Newfoundland for concerts as part of an eastern Canadian tour.
    24. Newfoundland Energy bought the refinery, which has a capacity of 100,000 barrels a day, from Calgary, Alberta-based Petro-Canada last year for one Canadian dollar.
    25. Last summer, a boatload of 155 Tamils were smuggled from West Germany to Newfoundland under similar circumstances, and all were allowed to stay in Canada.
    26. A hundred animal lovers demonstrated Saturday against the slaughter of baby seals off Newfoundland's north coast, saying it is worse now than when it was made illegal in 1982.
    27. Unemployment in Newfoundland stands at about 18%, and the provincial government has long tried to diversify the economy away from fishing.
    28. In July, a church-appointed commission reported priests had sexually abused boys in Newfoundland for more than a decade and the church had failed to stop the practice.
    29. Bill McDonald, a search and rescue spokesman in Halifax, said the Johnny and Sisters II disappeared about 150 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland.
    30. Brian Tobin, an opposition Liberal Party member of Parliament from Newfoundland, called the restrictions on sales in Canada "insane" and asked the government to scrap them.
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