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 newish ['njuɪʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 尚新的

    Newish \New"ish\, a.
    Somewhat new; nearly new. --Bacon.

    1. The Miami Heat and Orlando Magic, newish clubs which had heretofore been distinguished only by their singular nicknames and losing records, are off and running near the top of the NBA's Atlantic Division.
    2. Resorts in Florida, California, South Carolina and Texas have them, as do so a few newish condo developments in search of cachet.
    3. They are the small but seemingly growing number of shrinks at work on a newish development in psychology called Reversal Theory.
    4. It grows slowly but is an outstanding variety for anyone with patience and a stable life. At a much lower height - a mere 5 ft if you clip it - sorbus koehneana is a newish variety from the same supplier.
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