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 Nazism ['nɑt`sɪzəm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 纳粹主义

    [ noun ]
    a form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism and obedience to a strong leader

    1. Books that advocate Nazism and question whether the Holocaust occurred were on sale last week at state Rep. David Duke's house, says a researcher concerned that fellow legislators are not challenging Duke.
    2. By whatever name, the Hungarian conspiracy and Szilard in particular were chilled at the thought of Nazism unlocking the atom first.
    3. The pontiff recalled the "cruel tyranny" of Nazism during a meeting with President Waldheim, who has been accused of committing war crimes while serving in Hitler's army.
    4. "The law legalizing abortion is the work of totalitarian ruling of the Stalinist type, which has common ideological roots with Nazism," said the Rev. Jerzy Bajda, an anti-abortion leader.
    5. That such statements about events 40 years ago can still incite powerful reactions reflects a lingering sensitivity in France about Nazism and the collaboration.
    6. Concentration campsites should be turned into museums "that would depict the horrors of Nazism," Hier said.
    7. It was about the birth of Nazism but in many ways it was also about the death of it.
    8. Scientists, he said, "were not dragged kicking and screaming and protesting" into Nazism.
    9. But Hitler seems to have had an evil inviolability. These facts, Anton Gill tells us in his history of internal German opposition to Nazism, speak for themselves.
    10. If it's nationalism or Nazism, no society is in danger from free speaking.
    11. "I remember how much Europe and the world paid for Nazism," said Walesa, noting that Poland was the first nation invaded by the armies of Adolf Hitler.
    12. It was as if the seas of Nazism were once again flourishing," said Arthur Spiegel, executive vice president of the Jewish Federation of New Haven.
    13. The U.S. Department of Defense has distributed a new edition of "Days of Remembrance" to be used at military posts in observances April 30-May 7, recalling the 6 million Jews who perished under Nazism.
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