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 NBS 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. Mr. Casgrain said NBS is negotiating with "a few" buyers, whom he declined to identify.
    2. The shares represent about 21.9% of the eight million shares currently outstanding in NBS, which has interests in electronic funds transfer and point-of-sale data processing.
    3. In 1988, an independent audit of National Business Systems Inc., as Consolidated NBS was then called, discovered "unauthorized transfers" of C$10 million in financial assets.
    4. He said Hees International Bancorp Inc. would then be in a position to support an equity issue for NBS.
    5. The bid is in response to Toronto-based National Business Systems' previously reported plan to auction off its interest in NBS Transaction Services.
    6. NBS Bancorp Inc., initial offering of 5.1 million common shares, via PaineWebber Inc.
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