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 MacDonald   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. MacDonald recruited a salesman and started selling in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
    2. The elder MacDonald's lawyer, Joe Keilp, argued that the tribe has fought for its sovereign rights for years but now is risking them by allowing its chairman to be sued in state court.
    3. DeConcini turned aside questions of whether MacDonald would be indicted but said material had been turned over to government prosecutors for evaluation.
    4. Dissidents who had seen MacDonald accused during televised U.S. Senate hearings of official corruption and misconduct went into the meeting vowing to remove him from office.
    5. MacDonald said Yazzie is biased against him because MacDonald attempted to remove the judge from the bench and claimed advisory counsel appointed by the judge is inadequate.
    6. MacDonald said Yazzie is biased against him because MacDonald attempted to remove the judge from the bench and claimed advisory counsel appointed by the judge is inadequate.
    7. MacDonald saying no action would be taken against Arctic Alaska until the Coast Guard finished its review.
    8. The only arrest warrants issued Tuesday were for Anderson; John MacDonald, assistant secretary of Union Carbide Corp.; and Peter J. Whitley, attorney for Union Carbide Eastern Inc.
    9. Shortly after the Tribal Council approved the purchase, Coconino County records show, MacDonald paid off the loan on his retirement home.
    10. Says Richard MacDonald, an analyst at First Boston Co.: "Time has been very good at exploiting and protecting their media franchises, but they really haven't created anything new."
    11. MacDonald's whereabouts could not be determined Thursday night.
    12. MacDonald's opponent in the election is former tribal chairman Peterson Zah.
    13. For Mr MacDonald it means a fair amount of time with education social workers, and continuous efforts to maintain staff morale.
    14. MacDonald, a former physician and Green Beret, was convicted of fatally stabbing and bludgeoning his 26-year-old wife and daughters while he was stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. in 1970.
    15. As a result of the judge's action, Thompson apparently became temporary chairman of the council's winter meeting, which had tried to choose different leaders to preside over the battle over MacDonald's fate.
    16. Council members gave the MacDonald a standing ovation as he left the meeting Thursday night.
    17. MacDonald Jr., 33, said allowing it to appear that MacDonald Sr. sought the money and the car "looked bad," since Brown was involved in the Boquillas deal.
    18. MacDonald Jr., 33, said allowing it to appear that MacDonald Sr. sought the money and the car "looked bad," since Brown was involved in the Boquillas deal.
    19. Navajo Chairman Peter MacDonald ignored shouted demands for a vote and halted a tribal council meeting on whether he should go on leave in the wake of corruption allegations.
    20. MacDonald said crews would continue work Sunday and Monday, beginning with homes in the greatest state of disrepair.
    21. After spending $650,000 to remodel his offices following his January 1987 inauguration, MacDonald was secure in his fourth term until January when the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs began investigating corruption in tribal governments.
    22. Mr. MacDonald will remain group director of animal health and nutrition in the unit's Vitamins & Fine Chemicals division.
    23. MacDonald is a very strong statesman for Indian people across the country," said Donald Benally, chairman of the council's Advisory Committee until Haskie named a new panel.
    24. And Quebec's Mr. MacDonald worries about the U.S. reaction if the agreement is rejected.
    25. Ian MacDonald, vice president at Credit Suisse, New York, said it's "highly likely" gold will test the $500 barrier again soon.
    26. The Tribal Council had tried to place Chairman Peter MacDonald and his associate, Vice Chairman Johnny Thompson, on administrative leave.
    27. The council put MacDonald on administrative leave with pay on Feb. 13.
    28. However, Tome, head of the police, has been one of MacDonald's staunchest allies, and police disregarded Yazzie's order last year prohibiting closure of the Navajo Education and Scholarship Foundation headed by MacDonald rival Peterson Zah.
    29. However, Tome, head of the police, has been one of MacDonald's staunchest allies, and police disregarded Yazzie's order last year prohibiting closure of the Navajo Education and Scholarship Foundation headed by MacDonald rival Peterson Zah.
    30. Tribal District Judge Harry Brown, MacDonald's brother-in-law, issued the temporary restraining order, said Geoffrey Standing Bear, MacDonald's attorney.
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