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 MacDowell   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    United States composer best remembered as a composer of works for the piano (1860-1908)

    1. William Styron has been named the recipient of the 1988 Edward MacDowell Medal for his lifetime achievements as a writer, a spokeswoman for the MacDowell Colony for artists said Monday.
    2. William Styron has been named the recipient of the 1988 Edward MacDowell Medal for his lifetime achievements as a writer, a spokeswoman for the MacDowell Colony for artists said Monday.
    3. Stan Brakhage, one of the most influential filmmakers of America's avant-garde cinema, is this year's recipient of the prestigious Edward MacDowell Medal.
    4. In 81 years, 43 Pulitzer Prize and 41 Prix De Rome winners have found tinder for their creative fires in the woods of MacDowell, the nation's oldest _ and some say most prestigious _ artists' colony.
    5. Her novel's gestation period lengthening with each passing day, Clark mailed off an application to use an isolated artist's studio at New Hampshire's MacDowell Colony.
    6. William Styron, author of "Sophie's Choice" and other prize-winning fiction, will receive the 1988 Edward MacDowell Medal "for his unique insight and vision of the American novel," a writer's group said.
    7. "I'm just glad to be honored for anything." Author William Styron expressed ambivalence about adding the prestigious Edward MacDowell Medal to a room already bulging with trophies, honorary cups and plaques.
    8. Voila! MacDowell, a rare beauty whose screen presence belies a basic shyness, admits she was scared to death at her first meeting with Weir. "I wanted to do this film so badly, and I wanted to make the proper impression.
    9. It was founded by the widow of Edward MacDowell, a composer who died in 1908.
    10. Peter speaks perfect French." Andie MacDowell was born in the small mill town of Gaffney, S.C., and grew up on both sides of the border between the Carolinas.
    11. The film also was picked for best dramatic actress for Andie MacDowell and best supporting actress for Laura San Giacomo.
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