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 Levers loom 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Firstly it does not want to, and secondly, there are difficulties of comparing prices in east Europe with those in the west. 'In principle we support the EC's efforts to liberalise trade with that part of the world,' says Mr Lever.
    2. Here the scheme ends, approximately 44 weeks after initial acceptance. At Stampiton, Mr Lever has just entered module four.
    3. "We would have to have something strictly geared for the California market," says Melinda Sweet, Lever's director of environmental affairs.
    4. He had been a general manager in charge of household cleaning products for the past two years, and earlier held a series of positions with Lever elsewhere in Europe as well as America.
    5. Now a body-odor campaign is turning a new Lever detergent called Surf into the No. 2 brand in the country.
    6. GORDON BUNSHAFT, an architect noted for austere, modernist designs in glass and steel and best known for his Lever House, which introduced the International style to New York's Park Avenue in 1952.
    7. His Lever House, built in 1952, introduced the sleek International Style to New York's Park Avenue.
    8. Mr Paul Lever, chairman, said at that time that an acquisition was likely 'within months'.
    9. 'Mortgage Express needs more provisioning,' said Mr Lever. Store group hit A critical note from US-owned broker Goldman Sachs helped hurt Marks and Spencer in a weak stores sector.
    10. Even Lever Brothers, a Unilever subsidiary, never expected Surf to catch on so fast.
    11. Unilever is getting more involved through its subsidiaries like Lever Bros and Van den Bergh's.
    12. Hindustan Lever officials believe that a positive verdict from the commission will help the court to deliver a favourable verdict.
    13. He points to a row of soaps on a shelf at the company's Chittagong headquarters, imitations of Lever's famous Lifebuoy brand: Life Bath, Likeboy, Life Joy and Lucky Boy.
    14. In recent years, says Smith New Court's Mr. Lever, NatWest made a string of ill-fated decisions.
    15. Office administrator Nicki Sigel tried Lever 2000 but found it too expensive.
    16. Pollena, re-named Lever Polska, has raised output by more than 50 per cent, is market leader in washing powder and is expanding its range.
    17. Lever's contest, "Singin' in the Shower," will be held in Los Angeles.
    18. Mr Lever said: 'After consultations in the City we decided it was better to be prudent and preserve resources.
    19. Just as P&G did then, Lever this summer will invite bathroom singers to show off their skills in local and national contests.
    20. The house should have been declared a national monument years ago." Ms. Lever also criticized the lack of state funding for the house Shaw lived in until he was 10 years old.
    21. Lord Harold Lever, a former British Treasury minister, said the U.S. dollar "will have to drop further and soon" if Japan and West Germany don't stimulate their economies.
    22. Mrs. Lever said she hadn't seen her husband since she moved out in November 1982.
    23. Instead, at The Hill in Hampstead, you can admire the very long pergolas of Portland stone which were constructed for Lord Lever in 1905. Tree-like, they are a fine memorial to a golden age of gardening before the onset of socialism and world wars.
    24. That heavy spending included promotion of two new products, Wisk Power Scoop detergent and Lever 2000 soap.
    25. Over the years, Mr. Bettenhausen has made numerous overtures to companies like Coca-Cola, General Foods, Procter & Gamble and Lever Brothers, but all of them turned him down.
    26. "We've got plenty of men we hope will play a major part in the progress in Hungary and Poland," said Carroll, the chief executive officer of Lever Brothers before becoming president of the corps in 1981.
    27. The shirt is then washed in Surf, which Lever claims takes out odors rather than merely masking them.
    28. Mr. Lever's estimates assume Lloyds, Midland and Natwest will boost provisions against Argentinian principal to slightly more than 50% of exposure.
    29. An old pal of Lord Lever - they co-authored Debt and Danger - Huhne is fascinated by emerging markets.
    30. Mr Stanley Lever is to relinquish his position as managing director, although he will remain in a non-executive capacity. Mr John Main, a director at Southend Property Holdings, was named yesterday as chairman and chief executive.
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