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 levigate ['levigeit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 把...磨细, 澄清, 琢磨

[医] 研末, 研碎, 磨光

    Levigate \Lev"i*gate\ (-g[asl]t), a. [L. levigatus, p. p. of
    levigare to lighten, fr. l[e^]vis light.]
    Made less harsh or burdensome; alleviated. [Obs.] --Sir T.

    Levigate \Lev"i*gate\ (-g[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Levigated}
    (-g[=a]`t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Levigating}.] [L.
    levigatus, p. p. of levigare to make smooth, fr. l[=e]vis
    smooth; akin to Gr. lei^os.]
    To make smooth in various senses:
    (a) To free from grit; to reduce to an impalpable powder or
    (b) To mix thoroughly, as liquids or semiliquids.
    (c) To polish.
    (d) To make smooth in action. `` When use hath levigated the
    organs.'' --Barrow.
    (e) Technically, to make smooth by rubbing in a moist
    condition between hard surfaces, as in grinding pigments.

    Levigate \Lev"i*gate\ (-g[asl]t), a. [L. levigatus, p. p.]
    Made smooth, as if polished.

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