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 Landor   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. Consumers questioned last year by Landor Associates, a strategic design consultant in San Francisco, gave much higher marks to Wal-Mart in the category of "esteem."
    2. The soft drink finished ahead of Sony, Mercedes-Benz and about 6,000 other brands in a new survey by the image consulting firm Landor Associates.
    3. Using the Trump name for Atlantic City service would be a "pretty brilliant move," says John Diefenbach, of chairman Landor Associates, a New York image consulting firm.
    4. The move is somewhat surprising since San Francisco-based Landor is a brand identity and package design firm, not an ad agency.
    5. Landor Associates, an image and design consulting firm, found in the survey of 1,000 consumers that the most famous brands aren't necessarily the most favored.
    6. They might find places at L&M or its competitors, which include Anspach Grossman Portugal, Inc., Landor Associates, and Siegal & Gale.
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