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 landowning ['lændˌəʊniŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 拥有土地的, 有关土地所有权的
n. 作为地主

    Landowning \Land"own`ing\, n.
    The owning of land. -- a. Having property in land; of or
    pertaining to landowners.

    1. US spokesmen insisted that the idea was to get on board the business and landowning classes that have supported the military, but that 'it will absolutely not include' military and police officials nor known backers of Haiti's earlier Duvalier regimes.
    2. The name Patel, from a landowning clan that evolved into a merchant class, is common in Gujarat.
    3. The coup was the start of a reform process to end a monopoly on power exercised by an alliance of the military and a landowning oligarchy.
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