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 Kunsan   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Student sources, reached by telephone in Kunsan, said about 500 students yelling anti-American slogans held a rally Wednesday and clashed with police in downtown streets for almost three hours until they were dispersed by tear gas.
    2. Dale J. Green of the 501st Signal Co. struck and killed Song Yun-jae, 36. Green is based at Kunsan.
    3. A small group of radical students demanding a ban on food imports hurled several firebombs and rocks at the main gate of the U.S. Air base in Kunsan, about 130 miles south of Seoul, police said.
    4. They said all military personnel at Kunsan Air Base now were restricted to the base.
    5. They were assigned to the 8th Aircraft Generation Squadron on temporary duty here from Kunsan Air Base, 110 miles south of Seoul, South Korea.
    6. Harayda was picked up after the Feb. 11 death of Chong Pan-yong, a farmer in Kusan, following a street altercation with Harayda. Kunsan is a provincial port 132 miles south of Seoul.
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