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 Kuomintang   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    the political party founded in 1911 by Sun Yat-sen; it governed China under Chiang Kai-shek from 1928 until 1949 when the Communists took power and subsequently was the official ruling party of Taiwan

    1. His defection was a major embarrassment for the ruling Kuomintang, which had embraced his most famous song, "Descendants of the Dragon," as a patriotic inspiration, and then felt obliged to ban it for several years.
    2. Left unsaid by younger Kuomintang leaders is whether the "recovery of the mainland" slogan will be buried.
    3. The ruling Kuomintang announced a restrictive policy on travel to China in an apparent effort to curb rising expectations for broader contacts with the mainland.
    4. That's a tall order for Lee Teng-hui, the first native Taiwanese president and newly elected chairman of the ruling Kuomintang, or KMT.
    5. It may be that the new men making up the Kuomintang know this.
    6. "There is little the Kuomintang can say about the student movement because, honestly, there is very little they can do about it," says Mr. Chou of the Institute of International Relations.
    7. Under the new policy, the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang, will review requests from mainland Chinese to travel to Taiwan if close relatives are gravely ill or die.
    8. But in recent years, the Kuomintang has tried to short-circuit any separatist movement by opening its ranks to Taiwanese, now more than two-thirds of party membership.
    9. In 1977, he fell from grace after hundreds of people rioted in the city of Chungli, charging Kuomintang manipulation in the election defeat of a popular opposition politician.
    10. The 13th congress of the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang, opens Thursday at a suburban Taipei stadium and then moves to a hillside convention hall to chart the party's future after six decades of leadership from the Chiang Kai-shek dynasty.
    11. It said the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang, should "adopt an open and realistic attitude to promote more exchanges and contacts" with China.
    12. Jenner should attend a few opposition party election meetings in Taiwan and marvel how brightly the lamps of democracy, anti-corruption and human rights burn after a century of Japanese occupation and Kuomintang oppression.
    13. "There is an understanding here that the Kuomintang doesn't want the student movement to attract public attention or sympathy," says a senior journalist.
    14. Chiang's father brought the fleeing Kuomintang government to Taiwan in 1949 as Communists took over the rest of China.
    15. In his statement to reporters, Vice Chairman Wang acknowledged China has in the past released prisoners, such as war criminals and members of the old Kuomintang army, defeated by the Communists in 1949.
    16. One of the shrewdest of the new breed of Kuomintang lawmakers is 37-year-old Jaw Shao-kang.
    17. But in an April 7 meeting with lawmakers from the ruling Kuomintang, Mr. Lee put forth a proposal of his own.
    18. This is the first time the government has indicated that it might suspend regulations on capital controls, which have been in force since 1949, when the Kuomintang government fled mainland China.
    19. Since Madame Chiang returned to Taiwan in 1986, Kuomintang officials say, she hasn't attended meetings of the party's advisory committee, on which she has a seat.
    20. After retiring from the Kuomintang army in the early 1960s, Mr. Hsiung worked as a forestry official on a mountain near the eastern coastal town of Lo-tung in Taiwan.
    21. Soong Meiling, now 90, married Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek in 1927.
    22. Taiwan's Kuomintang, the ruling nationalist party, has overseen the island's extraordinary economic development since it was driven out of China by the Communists in 1949.
    23. Taipei thinks of its policy change as an offensive against the communists, the idea being that relatives will swap stories about their lives since 1949 and mainlanders will see the superiority of the Kuomintang government.
    24. It appears that Ms. Kuo, a former economics professor, was finally persuaded to back down by leaders of the ruling Kuomintang.
    25. Social issues could become more prominent. Division on these and other issues could emerge within the ruling Kuomintang (KMT) party.
    26. Ms. Kuo's meeting with Kuomintang lawmakers Monday was organized by a party office.
    27. President Lee Teng-hui was chairing a meeting of the decision-making Central Standing Committee of his Nationalist, or Kuomintang, party at the time, but officials said the tax issue was not discussed.
    28. They grapple with younger Kuomintang lawmakers until groups of them roll across the floor tearing up one another's hand-tailored business suits.
    29. Since its founding on mainland China in 1894 by Sun Yat-sen, the father of modern China, power in the Kuomintang has flowed from the top down, while the party exercised authoritarian rule.
    30. "I lived through the Japanese occupation and the Kuomintang corruption," said a 65-year-old man. "Never have I seen anything like this.
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