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 judiciously [dʒu:'diʃəsli添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 明智而审慎地,有见地地

    [ adv ]
    in a judicious manner
    let's use these intelligence tests judiciously

    Judiciously \Ju*di"cious*ly\, adv.
    In a judicious manner; with good judgment; wisely.

    1. VERs, when begun, were also considered to be temporary and judiciously targeted at industries and nations.
    2. The wonderful irony of this present exhibition is that so judiciously critical an opportunity should be presented to us as the vindication and celebration of a great artist's career and achievement, and sent on a world-wide tour.
    3. Accordingly, after the 1952 presidential election, he judiciously toned down the criticisms of Eisenhower in Volume VI of his war memoirs.
    4. It is true that he handpicked Mr. Roh as his likely successor, but Mr. Chun's critics also might want to remember that he could have chosen far less judiciously.
    5. Gawain, then, merely lies further beyond the pale. To sympathetic modernist ears, Birtwistle's opera has actually become more user-friendly, for it has been judiciously shortened.
    6. Proponents maintain that a president would choose to use a line-item veto more judiciously than that.
    7. Venice, city of intrigue. As long as you cut it judiciously, Volpone is a remarkably playable comedy, and it adapts well to different stagings.
    8. Most then select, as judiciously as they can; but some, loth to waste, invent a reason for including everything.
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