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 Jekyll 添加此单词到默认生词本
['dʒi:kil, 'dʒekil]

    1. The house was built in 1896 for Mrs Gerard Streatfield, in whose family it stayed for nearly 70 years. The 21-acre grounds include a fine terraced western hillside designed by Jekyll; the dry stone walls are planted with sedums and campanulas.
    2. Martin dubbed her Mary Reilly, had her learn to read and write at a school financed by Jekyll's largesse and set her to keeping a diary of the goings-on at the well-appointed mansion.
    3. Jekyll had problems and turned into Mr. Hyde after experimenting with drugs," said the actor, adding that he did not dabble in drugs himself.
    4. Police Inspector Lowell Stahl calls the change after midnight "like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." The scene outside is even more troublesome.
    5. While the Jekyll side of Congress moves to mandate some employee benefits, the Hyde side, on the prowl for "revenue enhancements," maneuvers to take others away.
    6. The attorney said Dobben's schizophrenia first appeared in high school, when he appeared to undergo a "Jekyll and Hyde transition" and became obsessed with religion.
    7. "It just show you how pathologically a liar, a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he is." The judge made a similar observation.
    8. There is a prospect that the remaining part of the main house might become available one day. Two parts of another early Lutyens house in Surrey, also with Jekyll gardens, have come on to the market.
    9. For years, Jekyll has been in the ascendant: but as last week's Dollars 1bn purchase of American Tobacco suggests, Mr Hyde is not finished yet. The story of his revival is that of world tobacco as a whole.
    10. In Stevenson's version, the housemaid is glimpsed only briefly, weeping loudly at the sight of Dr. Jekyll's soliciter, who has been summoned to the house to investigate possible foul play by Mr. Hyde.
    11. It's sheer pleasure to watch them work, even those in the smaller roles, such as Joan Heal as Jekyll's disapproving housekeeper, and Lionel Jeffries as the doctor's irreverent father.
    12. BAT is a kind of corporate Jekyll and Hyde: on the one hand, an Anglo-American insurance giant, on the other the free world's second biggest purveyor of the killer weed, tobacco.
    13. If beguiling and reasoning do not work, Ken Jekyll turns into Ken Hyde and throws us to the ground, forcing open our defences.
    14. Perkins cited Spencer Tracy's 1941 characterization as his personal favorite. "You saw between the lines as he was playing Jekyll.
    15. Beneath the bedside manner of the mathematical Dr. Jekyll lurks a Faust.
    16. "I like the ones where you could see that Dr. Jekyll was not a problem-free, easygoing dude," Perkins said. "It's not fair to show him as being too straight arrow, because after all, he has this other side.
    17. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," the latest film version of Robert Louis Stevenson's 1886 horror classic.
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