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 JELLIES ['dʒeliz添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. All the strawberry jellies had been eaten.
  2. The fruits of any of these plants, used for jams, jellies, desserts, or beverages.

jelly \jel"ly\, n.; pl. {Jellies}. [ Formerly gelly, gely, F.
gel['e]e jelly, frost, fr. geler to freeze. L. gelare; akin
to gelu frost. See {Gelid}.]
1. Anything brought to a gelatinous condition; a viscous,
translucent substance in a condition between liquid and
solid; a stiffened solution of gelatin, gum, or the like.

2. The juice of fruits or meats boiled with sugar to an
elastic consistence; as, currant jelly; calf's-foot jelly.

{Jelly bag}, a bag through which the material for jelly is

{Jelly mold}, a mold for forming jelly in ornamental shapes.

{Jelly plant} (Bot.), Australian name of an edible seaweed
({Eucheuma speciosum}), from which an excellent jelly is
made. --J. Smith.

{Jelly powder}, an explosive, composed of nitroglycerin and
collodion cotton; -- so called from its resemblance to
calf's-foot jelly.

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