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 Jacky ['dʒæki]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 水手, 杜松子酒

    Jacky \Jack"y\, n.; pl. {Jackies}.
    Dim. or pet from {Jack}. Hence:
    (a) A landsman's nickname for a seaman, resented by the
    (b) English gin. [Dial. Eng.]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. Except when it's snowing or raining, she and her Shetland pony, Jacky, take to the streets of Hingham to deliver The Patriot Ledger newspaper, published in Quincy.
    2. Her mother calls Jacky a "fair weather pony" because she's older now and the family fears for her health in poor weather.
    3. The wife of a missing Briton who was believed kidnapped a month ago marked his 75th birthday Sunday with a tearful televised appeal to the Syrian army to "find Jacky for me." "Our 48th wedding anniversary is on June the 18th.
    4. More than 90 per cent of those aged 45 and over in the US wear lenses, and over 70 per cent in other industrialised countries. 'The presbyopic is the fastest growing market,' says Jacky Fremont, head of Essilor's UK operation.
    5. Not sure who is telling "the truth" about Lorin, Polly considers the following three alternatives: She can write a book that would please Jacky Herbert and Garrett Jones, make a lot of money and go to fancy parties.
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