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 Jacob ['dʒeikəb]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 男人名,雅各

  1. In the Old Testament, the first wife of Jacob.
  2. The Hebrew people, past, present, and future, regarded as the chosen people of God by virtue of the covenant of Jacob.

[ noun ]
  1. French biochemist who (with Jacques Monod) studied regulatory processes in cells (born in 1920)

  2. <noun.person>
  3. (Old Testament) son of Isaac; brother of Esau; father of the twelve patriarchs of Israel; Jacob wrestled with God and forced God to bless him, so God gave Jacob the new name of Israel (meaning `one who has been strong against God')

  4. <noun.person>

Jacob \Ja"cob\, n. [Cf. F. Jacob. See 2d {Jack}.]
A Hebrew patriarch (son of Isaac, and ancestor of the Jews),
who in a vision saw a ladder reaching up to heaven (--Gen.
xxviii. 12); -- also called {Israel}.

And Jacob said . . . with my staff I passed over this
Jordan, and now I am become two bands. --Gen. xxxii.
9, 10.

Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel.
--Gen. xxxii.

{Jacob's ladder}.
(a) (Bot.) A perennial herb of the genus {Polemonium}
({Polemonium c[oe]ruleum), having corymbs of drooping
flowers, usually blue. Gray}.
(b) (Naut.) A rope ladder, with wooden steps, for going
aloft. --R. H. Dana, Jr.
(c) (Naut.) A succession of short cracks in a defective spar.

{Jacob's membrane}. See {Retina}.

{Jacob's staff}.
(a) A name given to many forms of staff or weapon, especially
in the Middle Ages; a pilgrim's staff. [Obs.] --Spenser.
(b) (Surveying) See under {Staff}.

  1. Jacob J. Worenklein, a member of Milbank's executive committee, said that the decision to abolish the program was part of the firm's efforts to become "a lower cost provider of legal services."
  2. But Jacob, asked whether tight budgetary restrictions might harm the war against drugs, said: "I don't think it will be as tough for drugs as it will be for a lot of things.
  3. It's Kittel who has the idea for the theater company, and he orders Jacob Gens, the Zionist leader of the Jewish police in the ghetto, to carry it out.
  4. National Urban League President John E. Jacob on Sunday lashed out at the Republican Party, saying he questioned its claims of trying to woo black voters in this year's presidential election.
  5. Rock musician Don Henley, TV talk show host Geraldo Rivera and Minnesota Twins third baseman Gary Gaetti took part in a radio broadcast to raise money to find Jacob Wetterling and other missing children.
  6. "It is a terrible thing to think there are people who would do this to the resting places of the dead," said Rabbi Jacob Rubinstein in Manchester.
  7. "It's real bad," said Wayne Horner, who operates the food concession at Jacob Riis Park in Queens, where attendance is down from a million last July to 457,000 this month.
  8. At home, a note posted on the kitchen wall by his 8-year-old sister, Carmen, awaits Jacob's return.
  9. "I think that I am talking about something very different than John Jacob and his folks are talking about," said Bolick.
  10. This time it took the Dulwich three years to get Jacob back.
  11. Also, landscape architect Ian McHarg and painter Jacob Lawrence, as well as art patrons David Lloyd Kreeger of Washington and Harris and Carroll Masterson of Houston.
  12. The abductor asked the boys how old they were then held onto Jacob and threatened to shoot the other two unless they ran away.
  13. Urban League President John E. Jacob said at the opening of the convention that the organization would have to pressure the next president on issues such as civil rights and affirmative action.
  14. Jacob implored Congress and the Bush administration to lessen the impact of recent high court rulings that he said were anti-civil rights.
  15. Then in April, Gulf Power Senior Vice President Jacob Horton died in a Pensacola plane crash while he was on his way to Atlanta, apparently to talk with corporate officials about the investigations.
  16. Mr. Serra, whose 73-ton, 12-by-120-foot metal sculpture "Tilted Arc" bisects Federal Plaza in front of the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building, is suing the federal government to prevent its removal.
  17. Declares Jacob A. Brody, dean of the University of Illinois School of Public Health, "At present our statistical measurements are sparse and crude, leaving us with gaps and guesses."
  18. I felt I would have to go to hell to become free, to get out." That's the start of Tim Robbins' descent into a personal hell in "Jacob's Ladder."
  19. The man, who was on foot and had no vehicle in sight, asked the boys how old they were, then held onto Jacob and threatened to shoot the other two unless they ran into the woods.
  20. The ferret flap has simmered since June 3, when 5-year-old Austin Jacob Simpson of nearby Dale City was bitten by a ferret during a visit to a pet store.
  21. And the Soho Theatre Company is making the Cockpit one of the most exciting small theatres in London. Cockpit Theatre until March 26. (071) 402 5081 Upholders of traditional family values find little comfort in the home life of the Patriarch Jacob.
  22. A typical case from the period finds Lincoln representing Mentor Graham, New Salem's schoolteacher, in a lawsuit seeking repayment of a debt of $15.83 from one Jacob Bale.
  23. Organization President John E. Jacob on Sunday lashed out at the Republican Party, saying he questioned its claims of trying to woo black voters in this year's presidential election.
  24. The St. Louis Symphony played the other two, one a slight curtain raiser by Jacob Druckman, the other a piano concerto by Joseph Schwantner that incorporated a previous work as one of its three movements.
  25. Two paintings by Dutch masters Frans Hals and Jacob van Ruisdael were stolen at gunpoint from a small museum early Thursday, police said.
  26. Investigators said they hoped to obtain more information about Jacob's mental state from interviews.
  27. German immigrants played a major part in the development of the continent and in the building of the U.S. Jacob Shallus, the scribe who 200 years ago copied the text of the American Constitution onto parchment, was a son of German immigrants.
  28. In Providence, Federal Magistrate Jacob Hagopian late Friday released the World Prodigy.
  29. In other races: DELAWARE _ Republican Gov. Michael N. Castle trounced Democrat Jacob Kreshtool, a retired labor lawyer.
  30. Jacob S. Seidman, 85, a founding partner of Seidman & Seidman/BDO, Monday, in New York City.
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