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 IMED 添加此单词到默认生词本
abbr. 图像欧氏距离;放射性脑脊髓病(irradiated myeloen cephalospinal disease)

  1. For instance, you can set it so that you only get IMed when someone comments on one of your posts.
  2. Meanwhile, a Tunisian court has sentenced Imed Trabelsi, a nephew of the wife of ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, to two years in jail for drug use.
    与此同时,突尼斯法庭判决被推翻的总统本•阿里的妻子的侄子Imed Trabelsi两年的监禁,原因是吸毒。
  3. Meanwhile, a Tunisian court has sentenced Imed Trabelsi, a nephew of the wife of ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, to two years in jail for drug use.
    同时,突尼斯法庭判决被推翻的总统本·阿里的妻子的侄子Imed Trabelsi两年的监禁,原因是吸毒。

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