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 IMF   添加此单词到默认生词本

[经] 国际货币基金

    [ noun ]
    a United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stability of the major currencies

    1. Moscow wants IMF endorsement of its credentials as a pro-reform government, while the Fund is seeking to justify its position as lead manager in helping Russia remake its economy in the capitalist mould. Reaching agreement will not be easy.
    2. IMF contributions determine members' voting power and provide resources for loans to developing nations.
    3. We cannot accept any connection between bank disbursements and those of the IMF," Mr. Bresser Pereira said.
    4. Japanese leaders have said Japan might aid Peru if Fujimori works with the IMF and other multilateral organizations to address its economic problems.
    5. Peru, apparently abandoning plans to extract significant concessions from the International Monetary Fund, is expected to sign today in Washington an IMF letter of intent to frame economic policy until 1995, Sally Bowen writes from Lima.
    6. The IMF said the African nation will be able to draw the new loan in installments during the next three years to support its economic adjustment efforts.
    7. However, numerous Republican members are suspicious of the multilateral banks and will demand reforms. Mr Summers said the IMF and World Bank remained the best tools available for promoting collective prosperity.
    8. He said the economic measures were not demanded by the IMF and were initiated by the government.
    9. Some foreign exchange controls have been lifted, allowing India to accede to Article 8 of the IMF, an important bench-mark of the financial globalisation.
    10. The process starts with the World Bank, pointing a finger at the IMF for insisting on a tight monetary stance resulting in double-digit real interest rates.
    11. Mulford said the issue of economic assistance would be taken up by finance ministers and central bankers of the world's seven richest countries when they meet Saturday in advance of the IMF and World Bank meetings.
    12. Even if there is no short-term IMF agreement, though, Brazil still may choose to make some of the interest payment now overdue to banks.
    13. At this year's semiannual IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington earlier this month, Mr. Funaro clearly hoped to gain Argentina's support once and for all.
    14. In late June, Fujimori met in New York with leaders of the IMF, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.
    15. Last Friday, the IMF reviewed Peru's status in the organization and sent the government a note requesting a payments plan.
    16. Real GNP growth of the seven countries in 1992 was 1.6 per cent, 0.6 percentage points less than either the OECD or the IMF had predicted the preceding year.
    17. He joined the IMF in Washington in 1961 and held various posts with the organization, including chief of the North American division.
    18. But French Finance Minister Pierre Beregovoy said Tuesday, "The time has come to make (the SDR) a more widely used reserve currency." Lawson said there has been a persistent effort to substitute the dollar for the IMF currency.
    19. Argentina is expected soon to start negotiating new economic targets with the IMF, which is set to send an economic team to the country.
    20. None of the escrow money, new bonds, or guarantees would be provided by the creditor country governments, such as the U.S., or by the IMF or World Bank.
    21. A senior European monetary official said he was heartened by the latest revised projections by the IMF and some other multilateral institutions.
    22. In his speech, Mr. Camdessus suggested a greater role for the IMF in the coordination of currency exchange rates, a job now handled by the U.S.-dominated Group of Seven.
    23. The contest marked the first time in the IMF's history that two candidates had competed for the managing director's post.
    24. A formal endorsement of the aid effort was expected to come today following the conclusion of closed-door meetings of the IMF's policy-setting interim committee.
    25. However, nations in arrears would lose their voting rights, and gold roughly equivalent to their original contribution to the IMF could be sold if they did not meet their obligations.
    26. If the nations fail to make these changes, the countries risk losing gold they have already pledged to the IMF that would be sold to make good the loans made to them.
    27. IMF officials said $1.4 billion would be disbursed through 1990.
    28. The IMF also identified similar problems in Australia.
    29. Despite Mr. Major's pleas, a Bush administration official said the U.S. still opposes any move toward full membership for the Soviets in the IMF.
    30. The IMF, too, is debating its future, if rather more circumspectly.
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