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 IBEW 添加此单词到默认生词本
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 国际电气工人兄弟会

    1. Last year, Ameritech negotiated 17 different contracts with the CWA and the IBEW.
    2. The newfound unity between the IBEW and CWA gives the unions improved leverage in the talks "because now if you have a strike it will be a total shutdown," says Bahr.
    3. The company had settled more than a week before with the Communications Workers of America, which represents some 43,000 Bell Atlantic employees, but most Communications Workers members in New Jersey had refused to cross IBEW picket lines.
    4. Union officials at Bell Atlantic said 41,000 striking workers won't return to work until all local issues are resolved and the 11,000 workers represented by the IBEW settle.
    5. In California, the IBEW extended for a week its contract covering about 1,600 employees at Pacific Telesis's Pacific Bell Directory unit.
    6. It was the first time CWA and IBEW negotiated jointly, an agreement reached two years after a bitter dispute between the unions sparked by IBEW's decision not to honor a 26-day CWA strike in 1986.
    7. It was the first time CWA and IBEW negotiated jointly, an agreement reached two years after a bitter dispute between the unions sparked by IBEW's decision not to honor a 26-day CWA strike in 1986.
    8. IBEW members won't return to work until the new labor pact is ratified, but union officials agreed to stop picketing Bell Atlantic facilities where the Communications Workers of America represents some or all union employees.
    9. Talks broke off with the CWA Sept. 15 and with the IBEW Sept. 17.
    10. CWA and IBEW negotiators held long negotiating sessions with Nynex bargainers, the first substantive talks since that strike began Aug. 6.
    11. Also, the nearly 37,000 CWA and IBEW factory workers in the United States would be expected to strike.
    12. The IBEW, which already represents the majority of permanent nuclear power plant workers, targeted eight utility contractors who provide traveling "health physics technicians" to reactors that close down for refueling or maintenance.
    13. Three years ago CWA struck AT&T for 26 days, but the company was able to keep half of its manufacturing plants open because the IBEW agreed to work provided its members were given any added benefits CWA won through its strike.
    14. A CWA spokeswoman said that even if the CWA strike is resolved, the union wouldn't cross IBEW picket lines.
    15. The CWA had reached agreement with Bell Atlantic more than a week ago, but most CWA members at Bell Atlantic's New Jersey Bell telephone unit had refused to cross IBEW picket lines.
    16. New Jersey Bell signed a tentative agreement Monday with CWA, but has no agreement with about 9,200 workers represented by the IBEW. The last talks were Tuesday and no new talks are scheduled.
    17. In an effort to save the Springfield plant last year, members of IBEW Local 1453 approved a five-year contract that called for an 8 percent cut in hourly pay.
    18. But IBEW workers will stay off the job until Bell of Pennsylvania settles local issues with the CWA and an agreement is reached between the IBEW and sister company New Jersey Bell, officials said.
    19. But IBEW workers will stay off the job until Bell of Pennsylvania settles local issues with the CWA and an agreement is reached between the IBEW and sister company New Jersey Bell, officials said.
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