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 Ibiza   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Above all, the firm owes its recovery to the Ibiza model, a medium-small sedan launched in 1984 as Spain's first entirely domestically mass-produced automobile.
    2. Navy authorities told the captain, Ed Engels, that the Sirius was to stay in Ibiza until further orders and could not set sail or use its rubber rafts, according to the port officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.
    3. Sales in 1987's first five months, led by the popular Ibiza model, rose 34%, to slightly below 135,000 units.
    4. Initially, Mr. Martinez says, Ibiza planned to offer life insurance, but he thought that suggested his product endangered people and would be counterproductive.
    5. The cost of his care eventually forced him to sell his luxurious home on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza.
    6. The plant, possibly the last great car production centre to be built in western Europe, is destined to manufacture a new Ibiza model. Ford had earlier chosen Spain as the production centre for its 'Sigma' motors.
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