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 Hebrew ['hi:bru:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 希伯来人, 希伯来语, 犹太人

a. 希伯来人的, 希伯来语的

  1. Our foreign teacher speaks English and Hebrew.
  2. The Hebrew people, past, present, and future, regarded as the chosen people of God by virtue of the covenant of Jacob.
  3. The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

[ noun ]
  1. the ancient Canaanitic language of the Hebrews that has been revived as the official language of Israel

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties

  4. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to or characteristic of the Hebrews

  2. <adj.pert>
    the old Hebrew prophets
  3. of or relating to the language of the Hebrews

  4. <adj.pert>
    Hebrew vowels

Hebrew \He"brew\, n. [F. H['e]breu, L. Hebraeus, Gr. ?, fr. Heb.
1. An appellative of Abraham or of one of his descendants,
esp. in the line of Jacob; an Israelite; a Jew.

There came one that had escaped and told Abram the
Hebrew. --Gen. xiv.

2. The language of the Hebrews; -- one of the Semitic family
of languages.

Hebrew \He"brew\, a.
Of or pertaining to the Hebrews; as, the Hebrew language or

  1. But the Absorption Ministry says 4,450 Soviet immigrants have left Israel since the beginning of 1991. Marina speaks good Hebrew but she has no Israeli friends and she does not feel 'Israeli'.
  2. Rostropovich was soloist in Bloch's "Schelomo, Hebrew Rhapsody for Cello and Orchestra."
  3. Unfortunately, these things are not very admired in Israeli politics," said Galnoor, a political scientist at Jerusalem's Hebrew University.
  4. Mrs. Spellman died Sunday at the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington after being in a coma for eight years.
  5. A statement by Hebrew University did not give the cause of death.
  6. Havel, 54, a playwright and former dissident, was quoted by the Hebrew daily Haaretz as saying Arafat assured him that the Palestine Liberation Organization wants Israel to adopt U.S. proposals for starting a Palestinian-Israeli dialogue.
  7. His numerous collections in Hebrew encompass about 800 stories and 600 poems.
  8. Amia Leblich, dean of social sciences at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said the unrest has polarized Arabs and Jews.
  9. The Canaanites wanted to build a new "Hebrew" nation, as opposed to a Jewish one, to circumvent conflict with the Arabs.
  10. Texts are from the Bible, telling of the Hebrew prophet Elijah pitting God against Baal, who is called by his priests.
  11. He held a series of menial jobs, all the while teaching Hebrew at his apartment and organizing classes in other cities.
  12. The latest entrant into rock 'n' roll dining is the Rock Island Diner in the Piccadilly Arcade, which offers imported Hebrew National hot dogs, flecked formica table tops and a live deejay from New Orleans who plays 1950s rock.
  13. Ephraim Kleiman, an economics professor at Hebrew University, said Israel was better positioned to endure a showdown than the Palestinians.
  14. Givirtz, who died Friday, was a professor of biblical studies at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles, a rabbinical school for Reform Judaism.
  15. That's where he is a general." Since coming to Israel, Sharansky spent most of his time studying Hebrew, lecturing on the plight of Soviet Jews and writing his memoirs, Stern said.
  16. One slogan, written in Hebrew and Arabic, read "Death to the Jews," Arab witnesses said.
  17. A peek between the buns could reveal "Hebrew National," "Go Dodgers" or some other promotional message tattooed on the frankfurter, if Viskase Corp.'s idea takes hold.
  18. "We came to the land of Israel and not to Palestine so I asked that these places be called by their Hebrew, biblical names," said IBA assistant chairman Shlomo Kor, who proposed the change.
  19. But a columnist in the Hebrew Davar newspaper warned Monday that Swaggart's support of Israel was a double-edged sword.
  20. Here again is a curious fact: nearly half of Shakespeare's plays have never been translated into Hebrew. The tragedies go down well - Hamlet is for all countries - but the comedies tend to be regarded as artificial and the history plays are irrelevant.
  21. In September, the United States for the first time began rejecting Soviet Jews for refugee status, with the current rejection rate running at about 21 percent, according to Karl Zukerman of the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society in New York.
  22. The first Hebrew theatre was founded in Moscow in 1917 under the guidance of Stanislavsky and played initially in Russian.
  23. The later Orthodox observance is based on a decree of the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., saying Easter should be celebrated after the Hebrew Passover observance to maintain the biblical sequence of events.
  24. Iran has launched its first domestic-built hovercraft, named "Yunus" after the Hebrew prophet Jonah who was swallowed by a whale, the official Islamic News Agency reported Monday.
  25. He also changed his first name from the Russian Anatoly to the Hebrew Natan.
  26. Ted Leventhal, 21, a former director of Hebrew House, said he and two friends who iive there found an obscene note and a mixing bowl filled with feces in the kitchen Friday night.
  27. A military spokeswoman in Jerusalem said prison guards had only blasted one Hebrew song over loudspeakers and discontinued the practice after three minutes because it had not been approved by commanders.
  28. Underneath it were an overturned thermos, a radio and a book printed in Hebrew.
  29. It was accompanied by two identity cards, one in English and one in Hebrew.
  30. It was followed in 1975 by an honorary degree from Jerusalem's Hebrew University.
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