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 Hechts phenomenon 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. A poll taken in August for the gaming industry shows Bryan with a 14-point lead over Hecht.
    2. Hecht, a first-term Republican senator, and Bryan hardly ever mention their primary opponents' names.
    3. Sen. Hecht is a man who is an unabashed pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-America member of the Senate.
    4. "As the largest retailer in Washington-Baltimore, we have been serving customers for almost 130 years and we are very pleased to be able to extend our service to the Richmond and Tidewater areas," Hecht's President Irwin Zazulia told reporters.
    5. Actress Monica Vitti is being peppered with offers to bring her hilarious performance as a brash reporter in Ben Hecht's "The Front Page" back to the United States.
    6. Hecht lost his race with Democrat Richard Bryan.
    7. Formerly a Republican member of the Senate Banking Committee, Hecht served one term in the Senate before losing in the 1988 general election to Democrat Dick Bryan.
    8. In fact, Sen. Hecht may be his own secret weapon.
    9. As part of the pressure, the defendents allegedly sent a letter on Mr. Hecht's official Senate stationery to the Bank Board endorsing the businessmen's effort.
    10. The Hecht firm's contract, which expired in November 1986, called for discussions with members of Congress, their staffs and the executive branch about the "political, economic and social situation" in Panama.
    11. Gov. Bob Miller was getting briefed on the budget proposal so that he could take over smoothly as governor in January should Bryan defeat Hecht.
    12. Sen. Paul Sarbanes, D-Md., said Hecht is representative of the high percentage of Republican stalwarts and fundraisers being named by President Bush to diplomatic posts.
    13. "The Directory of Available Executives," published by outplacement firm Lee Hecht Harrison Inc., includes thumbnail listings of hundreds of managers and others who have lost their jobs over the past year.
    14. Stokely confirmed reports that circulated for the past week that May Department Stores Co., the nation's seventh-largest retailer, was negotiating to purchase four Miller & Rhoads stores for its Hecht Co. chain based in Washington, D.C.
    15. Sources for such information include search firms and trade associations. "Don't make any assumptions," says Thomas E. O'Reilly, a senior consultant with Lee Hecht Harrison.
    16. Spencer did not return two telephone calls, and Hecht said it is against his policy to discuss relations with clients.
    17. Let's unite behind the new senator." Hecht said he had no regrets about the bitterly contested battle with Bryan and would "never look back."
    18. "It is not something to be twisted and misrepresented and hee-hawed by journalistic pygmies in the news media," Helms said, contending that Hecht has been attacked only because of his record as a conservative.
    19. "If AGB is considered the handmaiden of the networks, even if they're doing things right, the effort will be tainted," says consultant Norman Hecht, a former AGB executive.
    20. Hecht, a quiet, sometimes inarticulate former banker and clothing store owner, was elected in 1982 after Reagan came into the state for two appearances in October.
    21. "The first thing he did was ask Hecht, `Are you okay?"' the aide said.
    22. On the surface, Bryan and Hecht have been debating one another on familiar themes _ a possible nuclear dump in Nevada, defense spending, conservative vs. liberal philosophies and balanced budgets.
    23. Carpman and Hecht said it took four thrusts to dislodge the apple enough to allow the senator to breathe again.
    24. Hecht said he spent nearly $1 million from Oct. 1 to Oct. 19, while Bryan spent just over $416,000 in the same period.
    25. "This is an exception and an anomaly." Mr. Hecht, however, is prepared for the worst.
    26. I love golf and they have a lot of nice golf courses and good fishing." Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Hecht made those comments in jest.
    27. "He was going to discuss the program as a whole," said Fuller, but the news conference was canceled after Hecht received a telephone call from the Pentagon.
    28. In Nevada, Democratic Gov. Richard Bryan narrowly defeated freshman GOP incumbent Chic Hecht after a seesaw battle.
    29. Thomas G. Loeffler, subcommittee chair, San Antonio, Texas _Address by Sen. Chic Hecht of Nevada.
    30. The out-of-state labor bosses want to control the Senate." Bryan responded that Hecht has resorted to inaccuracies and cliches instead of specifics.
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