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 Hanford   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The government first acknowledged the Hanford problems publicly in 1986, although much information about radiation releases there is still classified as secret.
    2. Under the bill, the Department of the Interior would protect the Hanford Reach for eight years until a study determines whether to permanently preserve the stretch under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
    3. Lewis Hanford Kessler Jr. of Ypsilanti, Mich., believes in "a/the Sun God" and travels annually to the tropics for "worship and prayer."
    4. The only other producer, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state, has been shut down for more than a year.
    5. The Hanford cleanup is the most costly during the five-year period.
    6. "It's an amiable agreement which is long overdue," said Mike Fox, head of The Hanford Family, a group of about 300 Hanford workers, relatives and supporters.
    7. "It's an amiable agreement which is long overdue," said Mike Fox, head of The Hanford Family, a group of about 300 Hanford workers, relatives and supporters.
    8. The environmental organization said a five-year environmental cleanup plan issued by the department July 3 indicates the plant is needed to dispose of Hanford's remaining nuclear fuel rods.
    9. A key plutonium production plant at the Hanford nuclear reservation reopened Sunday to process spent nuclear fuel that has been stuck in the plant since it was shut down a year ago, the government said.
    10. Related plutonium processing plants, which employ more than 3,000 Hanford workers, will be gradually phased out in the 1990s as the stockpiled plutonium is exhausted, Lawrence said.
    11. Earlier in Washington state, Pasco hit 116, Hanford reached 110 and it was 108 in Walla Walla.
    12. The property was deeded to the Boy Scouts of America in 1962 by the late Fred Hanford, a former mayor of Wrangell, a town of about 2,100 in southeastern Alaska.
    13. The three SRP reactors all currently are shut down for maintenance or safety reasons, and the Hanford reactor was placed on "cold standby" earlier this year.
    14. Bill Klink, a spokesman for Westinghouse Hanford Co., the contractor that handles the storage tanks, said there is little that can be done to prevent the leaks.
    15. People who live downwind from the Hanford nuclear reservation reacted with anger and relief Thursday about the government's disclosure that enough radiation spewed from the base to cause cancer.
    16. The statement by an Iowa aide implied that Dole accepted favors from the wealthy and said three federal agencies were examining a defunct blind trust once held by his wife, former Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Hanford Dole.
    17. Hanford is generally considered the most contaminated of the DOE production sites, and estimates for cleaning it up run to $57 billion over the next 50 years.
    18. The 37-year-old plant has supplied uranium to the Energy Department's Rocky Flats plant in Colorado, the Hanford reactors in Washington state, the Savannah River plant in South Carolina and the Oak Ridge nuclear complex.
    19. It was the government's first admission that the Hanford leaks were at levels sufficient to cause cancer and other illnesses in people living near the facility.
    20. John Fulton, manager of the chemical division for Westinghouse Hanford Co., told The Associated Press that the Plutonium-Uranium Extraction Plant, which closed Dec. 7, would resume operation in late September or early October.
    21. The report concluded that the default resulted from extensive cost overruns and construction delays at WPPSS Project No. 4 at the Hanford nuclear reservation in southeastern Washington state and No. 5 at Satsop, west of Olympia, Wash.
    22. An extension for the No. 1 plant at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation would give the Washington Public Power Supply System the option of completing the plant that was 63 percent finished when construction came to a halt in 1982.
    23. From PUREX, plutonium is sent to Hanford's Plutonium Finishing Plant, which has been operating only periodically for the past year.
    24. Receiverships also were established for Hiawatha Savings and Loan Association of Hiawatha, Kan., and Westport Savings Bank of Hanford, Calif.
    25. Watkins ordered a new environmental impact statement to replace the 1987 study, which was prepared by Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, a Hanford contractor.
    26. Browns cornerback Hanford Dixon, a victim of multiple burns on Sunday, was equally generous in praising his adversary.
    27. Hanford was built in south central Washington in 1943 during the Manhattan Project.
    28. Two similar suits were filed this summer on behalf of potentially thousands of people living or working downwind from Hanford.
    29. "We need a president in the tradition, yes the liberal tradition, of Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy," Dukakis told a depot rally in Hanford, a valley community surrounded by sprawling cotton farms.
    30. In the 1950s Hanford was one of the largest weapon's production complexes.
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