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 hang [hæŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 悬挂, 诀窍, 意义

vt. 悬挂, 附着, 装饰, 垂下, 踌躇, 绞死, 使悬而未决

vi. 悬着, 垂下, 被绞死, 悬而不决

[法] 使不能作出决定, 搁置, 悬而不决

  1. You may hang your coat on the hook.
  2. He hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died.
  3. The dog's tongue was hanging out.

[ noun ]
  1. a special way of doing something

  2. <noun.cognition>
    he had a bent for it
    he had a special knack for getting into trouble
    he couldn't get the hang of it
  3. the way a garment hangs

  4. <noun.attribute>
    he adjusted the hang of his coat
  5. a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms

  6. <noun.act>
[ verb ]
  1. be suspended or hanging

  2. <verb.contact>
    The flag hung on the wall
  3. cause to be hanging or suspended

  4. <verb.contact> hang up
    Hang that picture on the wall
  5. kill by hanging

  6. <verb.social>
    string up
    The murderer was hanged on Friday
  7. let drop or droop

  8. <verb.motion>
    Hang one's head in shame
  9. fall or flow in a certain way

  10. <verb.contact>
    fall flow
    This dress hangs well
    Her long black hair flowed down her back
  11. be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive

  12. <verb.stative>
    This worry hangs on my mind
    The cloud of suspicion hangs over her
  13. give heed (to)

  14. <verb.perception>
    advert attend give ear pay heed
    The children in the audience attended the recital quietly
    She hung on his every word
    They attended to everything he said
  15. be suspended or poised

  16. <verb.contact>
    Heavy fog hung over the valley
  17. hold on tightly or tenaciously

  18. <verb.contact>
    hang on to your father's hands
    The child clung to his mother's apron
  19. be exhibited

  20. <verb.stative>
    Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum
  21. prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury

  22. <verb.social>
  23. decorate or furnish with something suspended

  24. <verb.creation>
    Hang wallpaper
  25. be placed in position as by a hinge

  26. <verb.contact>
    This cabinet door doesn't hang right!
  27. place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction

  28. <verb.contact>
    hang a door
  29. suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste

  30. <verb.change>
    hang the venison for a few days

Hang \Hang\, v. i.
1. To be suspended or fastened to some elevated point without
support from below; to dangle; to float; to rest; to
remain; to stay.

2. To be fastened in such a manner as to allow of free motion
on the point or points of suspension.

3. To die or be put to death by suspension from the neck.
[R.] ``Sir Balaam hangs.'' --Pope.

4. To hold for support; to depend; to cling; -- usually with
on or upon; as, this question hangs on a single point.
``Two infants hanging on her neck.'' --Peacham.

5. To be, or be like, a suspended weight.

Life hangs upon me, and becomes a burden. --Addison.

6. To hover; to impend; to appear threateningly; -- usually
with over; as, evils hang over the country.

7. To lean or incline; to incline downward.

To decide which way hung the victory. --Milton.

His neck obliquely o'er his shoulder hung. --Pope.

8. To slope down; as, hanging grounds.

9. To be undetermined or uncertain; to be in suspense; to
linger; to be delayed.

A noble stroke he lifted high,
Which hung not, but so swift with tempest fell
On the proud crest of Satan. --Milton.

10. (Cricket, Tennis, etc.) Of a ball: To rebound
unexpectedly or unusually slowly, due to backward spin on
the ball or imperfections of ground.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

11. (Baseball) to fail to curve, break, or drop as intended;
-- said of pitches, such as curve balls or sliders.

12. (Computers) to cease to operate normally and remain
suspended in some state without performing useful work;
-- said of computer programs, computers, or individual
processes within a program; as, when using Windows 3.1,
my system would hang and need rebooting several times a

Note: this situation could be caused by bugs within an
operating system or within a program, or
incompatibility between programs or between programs
and the hardware.

{To hang around}, to loiter idly about.

{To hang back}, to hesitate; to falter; to be reluctant. ``If
any one among you hangs back.'' --Jowett (Thucyd.).

{To hang by the eyelids}.
(a) To hang by a very slight hold or tenure.
(b) To be in an unfinished condition; to be left

{To hang in doubt}, to be in suspense.

{To hang on} (with the emphasis on the preposition), to keep
hold; to hold fast; to stick; to be persistent, as a

{To hang on the lips} {To hang on the words}, etc., to be
charmed by eloquence.

{To hang out}.
(a) To be hung out so as to be displayed; to project.
(b) To be unyielding; as, the juryman hangs out against
an agreement; to hold out. [Colloq.]
(c) to loiter or lounge around a particular place; as,
teenageers tend to hang out at the mall these days.

{To hang over}.
(a) To project at the top.
(b) To impend over.

{To hang to}, to cling.

{To hang together}.
(a) To remain united; to stand by one another. ``We are
all of a piece; we hang together.'' --Dryden.
(b) To be self-consistent; as, the story does not hang
together. [Colloq.]

{To hang upon}.
(a) To regard with passionate affection.
(b) (Mil.) To hover around; as, to hang upon the flanks
of a retreating enemy.

Hang \Hang\ (h[a^]ng), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hanged} (h[a^]ngd)
or {Hung} (h[u^]ng); p. pr. & vb. n. {Hanging}.

Usage: The use of hanged is preferable to that of hung, when
reference is had to death or execution by suspension,
and it is also more common.] [OE. hangen, hongien, v.
t. & i., AS. hangian, v. i., fr. h[=o]n, v. t. (imp.
heng, p. p. hongen); akin to OS. hang[=o]n, v. i., D.
hangen, v. t. & i., G. hangen, v. i, h["a]ngen, v. t.,
Icel. hanga, v. i., Goth. h[=a]han, v. t. (imp.
ha['i]hah), h[=a]han, v. i. (imp. hahaida), and perh.
to L. cunctari to delay. [root]37. ]
1. To suspend; to fasten to some elevated point without
support from below; -- often used with up or out; as, to
hang a coat on a hook; to hang up a sign; to hang out a

2. To fasten in a manner which will allow of free motion upon
the point or points of suspension; -- said of a pendulum,
a swing, a door, gate, etc.

3. To fit properly, as at a proper angle (a part of an
implement that is swung in using), as a scythe to its
snath, or an ax to its helve. [U. S.]

4. To put to death by suspending by the neck; -- a form of
capital punishment; as, to hang a murderer.

5. To cover, decorate, or furnish by hanging pictures,
trophies, drapery, and the like, or by covering with paper
hangings; -- said of a wall, a room, etc.

Hung be the heavens with black. --Shak.

And hung thy holy roofs with savage spoils.

6. To paste, as paper hangings, on the walls of a room.

7. To hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or
position instead of erect; to droop; as, he hung his head
in shame.

Cowslips wan that hang the pensive head. --Milton.

8. To prevent from reaching a decision, esp. by refusing to
join in a verdict that must be unanimous; as, one
obstinate juror can hang a jury.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{To hang down}, to let fall below the proper position; to
bend down; to decline; as, to hang down the head, or,
elliptically, to hang the head.

{To hang fire} (Mil.), to be slow in communicating fire
through the vent to the charge; as, the gun hangs fire;
hence, to hesitate, to hold back as if in suspense.

Hang \Hang\, n.
1. The manner in which one part or thing hangs upon, or is
connected with, another; as, the hang of a scythe.

2. Connection; arrangement; plan; as, the hang of a
discourse. [Colloq.]

3. A sharp or steep declivity or slope. [Colloq.]

{To get the hang of}, to learn the method or arrangement of;
hence, to become accustomed to. [Colloq.]

  1. He was appointed chairman of the Texas Department of Human Services in 1987 and the agency's financial difficulties hang like an albatross around his neck.
  2. The army said Abdulhak apparently was trying to hang the flag, which is outlawed by Israel.
  3. 'What we are seeing is the Labour party doing well enough in the south and south-west at our expense and making it possible for the Conservatives to hang on.
  4. "I soon saw that the director was the person who got to hang out with the actors, which was fun, and he also got to hang around the camera and look through it and make decisions about it.
  5. "I soon saw that the director was the person who got to hang out with the actors, which was fun, and he also got to hang around the camera and look through it and make decisions about it.
  6. On Saturday, there was a frisson of expectation that the First Couple, in the lion's den, might let it all hang out. Enter their inspired coup de video.
  7. He scheduled another hearing for Wednesday when, the judge said, "We'll let it all hang out." Moody's attorneys argued that the intense publicity over the bombs probe has hurt Moody's reputation.
  8. In butcher shops, tripes hang from hooks like chamoix leathers and there are pigs' tails, cheeks and testicles on offer.
  9. Republicans have long contended that one reason the Democrats hang on to the House is that, decade after decade, they gerrymander the districts to their advantage.
  10. The judge who sentenced the Sharpeville Six to hang said Monday he would not reopen their murder trial, but he gave the convicts 35 days to appeal for clemency from President P.W. Botha.
  11. A one-month stay of execution was granted March 17, a day before the six had been sentenced to hang.
  12. Empaneling a special committee to hear the evidence is not new. The procedure was used for the first time in the 1986 impeachment trial of Claiborne, who sought in vain to hang onto his robes even though he was already in prison for tax evasion.
  13. "I want to strangle the kid, I want to hang the kid, I want to suffocate the kid," a court affidavit quoted Depew as saying about his plans for the child.
  14. They swung a rope over a limb, placed it around his neck and tried to hang him in an apparent attempt to force him to confess to the assault or identify the attacker, Sowell said.
  15. Trotman said he often gets anonymous calls from people seeking advice on how to help a pet that consumed cocaine or marijuana. When the owners are told they have to bring the dog in for proper treatment, they usually hang up, he said.
  16. This year, moreover, they have been fiddling about to improve the hang, although not in the end to much effect.
  17. "By the time I hang up, I'm jumping out of my skin," she says.
  18. The Agriculture Department has moved closer to implementing new rules to help thousands of farmers rearrange their debts and hang on to their land.
  19. Most use guns or hang themselves.
  20. I hate starting something and leaving it hang." Underwood left Carnegie Mellon's drama department midway through his junior year and headed for New York.
  21. Once in jail, Purdy made a rope out of strips of his shirt, tried to hang himself but was discovered.
  22. Another is the achiever, the hard worker who has gained wealth and wants to hang on to it.
  23. A pet pig named Chop Chop has become the animal kingdom's surfing champion, doing a porcine version of a "hang ten" as he rode through the waves with his owner and garnering a perfect score.
  24. If the complex battle is allowed to run its course, Perrier's future could hang in the balance for months.
  25. He said the forest fire smoke in California actually intensified the temperature inversion that caused the smoke to hang in the air for weeks.
  26. "Now we'll sell them the walls to hang them on."
  27. The group has claimed responsibility for an attack into northern Israel last November in which a guerrilla flying a motorized hang glider killed six Israeli soldiers and wounded eight before he was shot dead.
  28. The diorama will hang on permanent display in a Pentagon hallway near the main entrance.
  29. At school, stay away from strangers who hang around restrooms or playgrounds.
  30. That's because in TV-land, toilet paper can't hang next to the toilet.
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