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 Greece [gris]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 希腊

  1. Greece is located in the south of Europe.
  2. He is reading a storybook on the deities of ancient Greece.
  3. The boys went camping in Greece last year.

[ noun ]
  1. a republic in southeastern Europe on the southern part of the Balkan peninsula; known for grapes and olives and olive oil

  2. <noun.location>
  3. ancient Greece; a country of city-states (especially Athens and Sparta) that reached its peak in the fifth century BCE

  4. <noun.location>

Gree \Gree\, n.; pl. {Grees} (gr[=e]z); obs. plurals {Greece}
(gr[=e]s) {Grice} (gr[imac]s or gr[=e]s), {Grise}, {Grize}
(gr[imac]z or gr[=e]z), etc. [OF. gr['e], F. grade. See
A step.

Greece \Greece\, n. pl.
See {Gree} a step. [Obs.]

  1. Greece's state minister, Nikos Temelis, said after the ceremony that his country would work toward furthering cooperation between the two nations.
  2. The sharpest impact could come in Britain, where women get full retirement benefits at age 60 while men must wait until 65. Pension plans in Belgium, Greece and Portugal also may have to be rewritten.
  3. In some distant corner of the mainland an older, more distinctive Greece, a Greece in touch not with its classical roots but simply its recent past, had to exist. It does.
  4. In some distant corner of the mainland an older, more distinctive Greece, a Greece in touch not with its classical roots but simply its recent past, had to exist. It does.
  5. European Unions ministers responsible for the single market meet in Brussels. Informal meeting of the European Union social affairs ministers in Greece. Results from Smith & Nephew and TI Group. FRIDAY: Usable steel production (February).
  6. He said that Manufacturers already has reduced its presence in such countries as Belgium, Luxembourg and Greece.
  7. Iraq-bound shipments, allegedly containing components of an Iraqi "super gun," have been seized in Britain, Greece, Turkey and Italy.
  8. The only junta member left out of the proposed pardon was Dimitris Ioannides, who engineered a failed 1974 coup in nearby Cyprus, a disaster that led to the partition of the Mediterranean island and Greece's return to civilian rule.
  9. Among those ready to bolt the GOP for Dukakis is Jimmy Londis, 64, who came to the United States from Greece 30 years ago and runs the popular Jimmy's Lunch in Troy, known for its French toast.
  10. We must not take diferent positions." He referred to Greece, which is considering recognizing the independent Palestinian state along with Israel.
  11. The Portuguese presidency of the EC has been trying to find a formula to satisfy Greece. Meanwhile, the first infantry contingent of the UN peacekeeping force sent to Yugoslavia began deployment in war-torn areas of Croatia yesterday.
  12. Emerging markets continue to suffer setbacks, with Greece the latest casualty, writes John Pitt.
  13. Mr Juergen Moellemann, German economics minister, attends Budesbank meeting. Greece becomes a full member of the Western European Union.
  14. "But nothing is won in advance." For more than four centuries, these Jews thrived in Greece under Turkish rule.
  15. Greece gets more than $430 million in U.S. military credits as a form of rent for the bases.
  16. Under terms of the U.S. extradition treaty with Greece, the State Department makes the final decision of whether a suspect is sent home, after a court certifies extraditability.
  17. And the training program wasn't so different from what I was planning to do in Greece," he said.
  18. Premier Turgut Ozal will become the first Turkish prime minister in 36 years to go to Greece when he flies there Monday on a historic visit to improve ties between the archrivals.
  19. Disabled veterans of Greece's 1940-41 campaign against Italian forces in Albania led the march in this northern city.
  20. The European Commission was yesterday poised to take Greece to the European court over its blockade of the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia.
  21. Macedonia, an ancient kingdom in southeastern Europe in the Balkan Peninsula, is now a region divided among Greece, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.
  22. The anarchists arrived at the embassy at the conclusion of a march by 20,000 demonstrators who were marking the 15th anniversary of a student uprising against the 1967-74 military dictatorship in Greece.
  23. The WEU is the sole European body dealing with defense issues. Its members include nine of the 12 European Community nations. Neutral Ireland, Greece and Denmark are not members.
  24. Turkish-American relations are already soaring, which could imply a shift away from the traditional tilt toward Greece in foreign aid.
  25. On July 13, the government issued a formal shut-down notice for all U.S. military bases operating in Greece.
  26. Greece has so far rejected this way and we can only hope they will change their minds.'
  27. Several thousand tonnes more a week were being ferried by lorry from Greece to Bulgaria. Mr Matutes said he was not accusing the Greek government of sanctions busting, since private operators were involved.
  28. Greece could end up with another coalition government after voters go to the polls Sunday, and that could mean a continued impasse over how to deal with growing economic problems.
  29. Noricum's former chief was arrested, and there were dark reminders that an Austrian ambassador to Greece and the former chairman of Voest both died suddenly while giving evidence on the case to authorities.
  30. Greece balks at limits on troop movements that might interfere with its testy relationship with Turkey.
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