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 greed [grid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 贪欲, 贪婪

  1. It's the tempter of greed that led him into crime.
  2. His greed looked through his eyes.
  3. He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness.

[ noun ]
  1. excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves

  2. <noun.attribute>
  3. reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)

  4. <noun.act>

Greed \Greed\ (gr[=e]d"), n. [Akin to Goth. gr[=e]dus hunger,
Icel. gr[=a][eth]r. [root]34. See {Greedy.}]
An eager desire or longing; greediness; as, a greed of gain.

  1. The first two tales unfold from the point of view of small boys learning the oldest lesson in the book, that humans pay a price when their desire or greed interrupts nature's course.
  2. The jury must decide whether Boag spent the money out of greed, or to improve the estate by investing it to generate income.
  3. The Greek Olympic Committee said its decision is "the minimum expression of disapproval" of Atlanta's winning the bidding to host the 1996 Games, denounced by the Greek press as greed, money and commercialism defeating Olympic ideals.
  4. With its territorial greed, it's becoming a nuisance." As usual, the PLO's policy shift was subtle but clear.
  5. You're looking at greed," he says excitedly.
  6. "This is an education in greed in people," Campos said.
  7. His clients are motivated by both greed and fear.
  8. Typically, they are so blinded by greed that they are easy marks for a salesman with a slick yarn.
  9. The two influences drew him into close contact with blacks 12 years ago when he tired of the harangues about greed at his former house of worship and began attending Holy Angels Church in inner-city Indianapolis.
  10. It's got to make some sort of intellectual or economic sense to survive." EDITOR'S NOTE _ Freshwater mussels and clams are falling victim to disease and greed, and experts ponder the fate of the rivers that depend on them.
  11. So you can't blame foreign intrusion when our own greed has made the void for the Japanese or Italians to come in.' As for story interference, Levinson says you can always go to a rival studio if you want to make Horror Of Hirohito.
  12. Where you used "the old-fashioned word slut" in discussing sexual sins, you might have used other oldfashioned words to describe the greed, avarice and coveting that mark our material sins.
  13. But the greed pales in comparison to personal tales of people who fear for the future and are trying to flee in any way they can.
  14. Mr. Bilzerian retorted that the entire episode "was a simple matter of the greed of management being given a higher value than what's due the shareholders," and hinted that he may take legal action.
  15. The most obvious explanation is also probably the most accurate: simple greed.
  16. "A common denominator of these organizations, however, is greed _ their relentless pursuit of money," Thornburgh said.
  17. "Your lust for power and greed blind you," he wrote.
  18. They said Paul's "insatiable vanity and greed" were a major factor in the failure of CenTrust, which will cost taxpayers an estimated $1.7 billion.
  19. That's what we're talking about here _ just pure greed." _ U.S. Customs Service chief William Von Raab on the arrest of 11 people in an alleged scheme to launder drug money through a bank.
  20. "The adjustable-rate mortgage problem is more a problem of complexity as opposed to a problem of greed," Seelig said.
  21. To the union, NYNEX's stand "really looks like a very classic and depressing case of corporate greed," Mack said.
  22. Hundreds of supporters of Ferdinand Marcos gathered in a Manila park on Sunday to denounce a police crackdown on an earlier rally and to protest the "hatred, greed and terror" of the government.
  23. They must inform and, at times, indulge, the voters without pandering to gullibility or greed; and they must admit their mistakes. The voters should show more consistency, and greater rigour.
  24. What common characteristic did white-collar criminals have? Aside from basic greed, "When they get caught, they all find God at or about the time they go to prison," he responded.
  25. Wolin, who sentenced two Kenyan co-defendants to six years in prison and a third to nine years for their guilty pleas, found that Muigai played a "truly passive" role "limited to greed," in the scheme.
  26. Consequently, I am troubled by the indiscriminate way many Americans use "greed" as an explanation of economic events.
  27. The first denounced the monstrous greed of capitalism, making much play with the published salaries of selected heads of big industrial companies.
  28. We will be well into the next millennium before another pied piper of selfishness can convince America that greed is the path to national salvation.
  29. Absolute power both facilitates and masks the greed.
  30. Violations, whether motivated by greed or by ignorance, will not be tolerated," she said.
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