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 Geneva [dʒə'nivə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 日内瓦, (荷兰)杜松子酒

  1. There were diplomats of all nationalities in Geneva.
  2. The premiers of the two countries met in Geneva yesterday.
  3. Many international conferences are held in Geneva.

[ noun ]
  1. a city in southwestern Switzerland at the western end of Lake Geneva; it is the headquarters of various international organizations

  2. <noun.location>
  3. gin made in the Netherlands

  4. <noun.food>

Geneva \Ge*ne"va\, n. [F. geni[`e]vre juniper, juniper berry,
gin, OF. geneivre juniper, fr. L. juniperus the juniper tree:
cf. D. jenever, fr. F. geni[`e]vre. See {Juniper}, and cf.
{Gin} a liquor.]
A strongly alcoholic liquor, flavored with juniper berries;
-- made in Holland; Holland gin; Hollands.

Geneva \Ge*ne"va\, prop. n.
The chief city of Switzerland.

{Geneva Bible}, a translation of the Bible into English, made
and published by English refugees in Geneva (Geneva, 1560;
London, 1576). It was the first English Bible printed in
Roman type instead of the ancient black letter, the first
which recognized the division into verses, and the first
which omitted the Apocrypha. In form it was a small
quarto, and soon superseded the large folio of Cranmer's
translation. Called also {Genevan Bible}.

{Geneva convention} (Mil.), an agreement made by
representatives of the great continental powers at Geneva
and signed in 1864, establishing new and more humane
regulation regarding the treatment of the sick and wounded
and the status of those who minister to them in war.
Ambulances and military hospitals are made neutral, and
this condition affects physicians, chaplains, nurses, and
the ambulance corps. Great Britain signed the convention
in 1865.

{Geneva cross} (Mil.), a red Greek cross on a white ground;
-- the flag and badge adopted in the Geneva convention.

  1. Airport sources in Geneva said Bush and Syrian leader Hafez Assad were expected Friday in Geneva for a meeting.
  2. Airport sources in Geneva said Bush and Syrian leader Hafez Assad were expected Friday in Geneva for a meeting.
  3. Separate agreements reached on grains, chemical products and a code on anti-dumping. 1973-79 Geneva (99 participants): The Tokyo Round.
  4. Some delegates to the Geneva Conference predicted that 20 years of talks would culminate this year in an international agreement banning the development, production and stockpiling of chemical weapons.
  5. In Geneva, the International Red Cross today appealed for $357,000 to provide aid _ mostly food and medicines _ to earthquake victims.
  6. More typical reports in the state-run media have said the April 14 Geneva agreement, which commits the Soviets to a pullout, increases opportunities for a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan's 10-year-old civil war.
  7. On Saturday, Aziz described the talks as "still in square one." Meanwhile, foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council met today for a second day in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for discussions focused on breaking the deadlock in Geneva.
  8. GATT has its headquarters in Geneva.
  9. It was designed to counter claims that American negotiators in Geneva are encouraging the proposal.
  10. The talks, known as the Uruguay Round for the country where they began in 1986, face a marathon July 23 negotiating session in Geneva to draft framework agreements in 15 separate areas, including agriculture.
  11. He said the Geneva talks offered an opportunity for the contact group countries to say clearly what they want in Bosnia and to increase pressure on the warring parties.
  12. No trial date has been set in Geneva.
  13. U.S. State Department spokeswoman Phyllis Oakley said this week that the Soviets had directed aircraft into Afghanistan and moved some Red Army troops into Kunduz from elsewhere within the country. She said this violated the Geneva accords.
  14. Mr Peter Sutherland yesterday announced the appointment of his three deputies, Frances Williams reports from Geneva.
  15. If the meeting goes to Geneva, it would be the first time the General Assembly has transferred a meeting out of the United States in protest.
  16. The investors also are suing Mr. Polo in Paris and Geneva in attempts to recover some of his assets abroad.
  17. In Geneva, a U.S. official said an accord leading to a Red Army pullout was still possible despite Moscow's insistence on continuing military aid to Kabul.
  18. After the U.N. Security Council session in Geneva on Friday, Arafat discussed the two Swiss hostages with Pierre-Yves Simonin, a ranking Swiss Foreign Ministry official, a department spokeswoman said Saturday.
  19. While the deadline has passed, Soviet officials have asserted the troop pullout will begin this year anyway, with or without a Geneva agreement.
  20. It's the Pakistanis who are in Geneva, facing the Soviet-backed negotiators from Kabul and who've so far refused to sign a deal with the Kabul regime.
  21. He planned to visit embassies in Geneva to ask for economic sanctions on Canada.
  22. Gorbachev announced earlier this month that a Soviet pullout could begin May 15 and be completed within 10 months if U.N.-sponsored negotiations in Geneva next month can put together a formal agreement by March 15.
  23. The arrest and transportation of Noriega could have violated U.S. law and provisions of both the Panama Canal Treaty and the Geneva Convention.
  24. The Soviet Union, in an agreement signed in Geneva, committed to withdrawing half its force of more than 110,000 by Aug. 15.
  25. The Brussels-based group distributed the report during the International Labor Organization's annual conference in Geneva.
  26. Perez de Cuellar said his invitation to resume talks on Monday in Geneva has been sent, but it was too early for a reply.
  27. Mr. Kampelman, who led the U.S. delegation to the nuclear arms reduction talks in Geneva, is chairman of the board of governors of UNA-USA.
  28. The Soviets have begun preparations to remove the first of their 115,000 soldiers from Afghanistan despite an impasse in United Nations-sponsored negotiations in Geneva, according to administration sources.
  29. Shultz gave an upbeat assessment of the summit and told reporters afterward that the superpowers had come a long way in their relationship since Reagan first met Gorbachev in Geneva in November 1985.
  30. Under an agreement signed in Geneva on April 14, an estimated 115,000 Soviet soldiers who have been helping the Afghan government in its war with anti-Marxist guerrillas are to be out within nine months.
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