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 Genevieve ['dʒenəvi:v]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 吉纳维芙(f.)

    1. Jeremy Irons plays twins in "Dead Ringers" with Genevieve Bujold.
    2. Genevieve, Mo., about 60 miles south of St. Louis, said Richard Lee, chief deputy of the Ste.
    3. Genevieve anthropologist. "This is a totally unethical and reprehensible action by the city of Peoria.
    4. Pierre Gauthier, chairman and chief executive officer of St. Genevieve, said the court also instructed the company to cancel a notice of sale of 23% of Louvem's shares for a total of 32.8 million Canadian dollars (US$28.7 million).
    5. Genevieve and Le Piege are graced by the distinguished actor-musician Pierre Bertin whose virtuoso speaking almost makes up for the absence of texts in the notes.
    6. He is survived by a sister, Genevieve V. Rudd.
    7. Bush gave telephone pep talks to rallies held by Senate hopeful Hal Daub in Nebraska, congressional candidates Genevieve Atwood in Utah and Wayne Gilcrest in Maryland, and gubernatorial contenders Arlis Sturgulewski in Alaska and Kay Orr in Nebraska.
    8. Speaking to campaign workers in Salt Lake City for Republican congressional candidate Genevieve Atwood, Bush attacked the "tax and spend mentality of the Democrats." "Good luck on Tuesday.
    9. Genevieve Bujold was voted best supporting actress for "The Moderns" and "Dead Ringers."
    10. Played by Genevieve Lemon, making her film debut, Sweetie is a frightened, possibly schizophrenic, young woman barely capable of taking care of herself.
    11. Genevieve are based in Montreal.
    12. Genevieve Kenna, 87, of Melbourne, Fla., lived through the changes as one of the company's original "Foster girls."
    13. Genevieve, a town of 5,000 located 75 miles south of St. Louis on the Mississippi River.
    14. Genevieve and New Madrid, Mo., have relocated several times.
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