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 frosted ['frɔstɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 结霜的, 冻伤的, 无光泽的, 磨砂的, 因年老而变白的, 冷淡的

  1. Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year.
  2. The cold has frosted the windows.
  3. The car windscreen frosted over during the night.

[ adj ]
(of glass) having a roughened coating resembling frost
frosted glass

Frost \Frost\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Frosted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To injure by frost; to freeze, as plants.

2. To cover with hoarfrost; to produce a surface resembling
frost upon, as upon cake, metals, or glass; as, glass may
be frosted by exposure to hydrofluoric acid.

While with a hoary light she frosts the ground.

3. To roughen or sharpen, as the nail heads or calks of
horseshoes, so as to fit them for frosty weather.

Frosted \Frost"ed\, a.
1. Covered with hoarfrost or anything resembling hoarfrost;
ornamented with frosting; also, frost-bitten; as, a
frosted cake; frosted donuts.

2. Provided with a surface finish which is matte or with a
very fine grain, reminiscent of the surface texture of
frost; as, frosted glass. Opposed to {polished} or
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Frosted work is introduced as a foil or contrast to
burnished work. --Knight.

  1. Clean - lined, frosted glass reveals the cool pale green perfume and the classily simple silver top is etched with the Bulgari name.
  2. Until the ultra-chic 500-attorney firm came into vogue not so very long ago, real lawyers plied their trade all by their lonesome in seedy walk-ups behind doors with frosted glass and black lettering, like Sam Spade.
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