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 Faure   添加此单词到默认生词本
福尔(Francois FМlix, 1841-1899, 法国政治家, 1895-1899 为法国总统)

    1. The ample, weighty vocal quality of the soprano Francoise Pollet seemed well-suited to these languorous yet colourful pieces. It was less so in Faure's song cycle La Bonne Chanson, in which a lighter touch was needed.
    2. But Neil Martin, gold analyst at Turner Paterson Faure Inc., said the surge in the gold index is an overreaction. "South Africa's economy has always been based on gold, so people are more inclined to be positive on gold than is realistic," he said.
    3. The board of Epeda Bertrand Faure S.A., retreating from earlier statements, said it won't approve a proposed takeover bid by Valeo and Chargeurs S.A.
    4. And rightly so, for this is where the heart of Faure's music palpably beats.
    5. This included a rare performance of Faure's song-cycle La Bonne Chanson in the arrangement which the composer made for string quartet and piano, only to regret the idea fairly soon afterwards.
    6. Faure occupied every important post in the French government except the presidency during a career that spanned four decades.
    7. The accord was signed Wednesday by Roland Faure, president of Radio France, and Yang Zhengquan, director general of China's Popular Central Radio.
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