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 Faustus ['faʊstəs,'fɔ:-]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 浮士德(欧洲中世纪传说中的人物,为获得知识和权力,向魔鬼出卖自己的灵魂)

    [ noun ]
    an alchemist of German legend who sold his soul to Mephistopheles in exchange for knowledge

    Faust \Faust\, Faustus \Faust"us\n.
    an alchemist of German legend who sold his soul to the devil
    in exchange for knowledge.

    Syn: Faust.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    Faust \Faust\, or Faustus \Faustus\ (f[^a]s"tus).,
    Doctor Johann Faust, a person born at Kundling (Knittlingen),
    W["u]rtemberg, or at Roda, near Weimar, and said to have died
    in 1588. He was a man of licentious character, a magician,
    astrologer, and soothsayer, who boasted of performing the
    miracles of Christ. It was believed that he was carried off
    at last by the devil, who had lived with him in the form of a
    black dog.
    [Century Dict. 1906]

    Note: The legends of Faust were gathered from the then recent
    traditions concerning him in a book which appeared at
    the book-fair at Frankfurt-on-the-Main in 1587. It was
    called "The History of Dr. Faustus, the Notorious
    Magician and Master of the Black Art, etc." Soon after
    its appearance it became known in England.

    A metrical version of it into English was
    licensed by Aylmer, Bishop of London, before the
    end of the year. In 1588 there was a rimed
    version of it into German, also a translation
    into low German, and a new edition of the
    original with some slight changes. In 1689 there
    appeared a version of the first German Faust book
    into, French, by Victor Palma Cayet. The English
    prose version was made from the second edition of
    the original, that of 1588, and is undated, but
    probably was made at once. There was a revised
    edition of it in 1592. In 1592 there was a Dutch
    translation from the second German edition. This
    gives the time of the carrying off of Faustus by
    the devil as the night between the twenty-third
    and twenty-fourth of October, 1538. The English
    version also gives 1538 as the year, and it is a
    date, as we have seen, consistent with
    trustworthy references to his actual life.
    Marlowe's play (' The Tragical History of Doctor
    Faustus ') was probably written in 1588, soon
    after the original story had found its way to
    England. He treated the legend as a poet,
    bringing out with all his power its central
    thought -- man in the pride of knowledge turning
    from his God. --(Morley,
    Eng. Writers,
    IX. 254.)
    This play was brought to Germany about the beginning of
    the 17th century, and, after passing through various
    developments on the stage, finally became a
    puppet-play, which is still in existence. Lessing wrote
    parts of two versions of the story. M["u]ller, the
    painter, published two fragments of his dramatized life
    of Faust in 1778. Goethe's tragedy (which see) was not
    published till 1808. Klinger published a romance
    "Faust's Leben, Thaten und H["o]llenfahrt" (1791:
    Borrow translated it in 1826). Klingemann published a
    tragedy on the subject (1815), Heine a ballet "Der
    Doctor Faust, ein Tanzpoem" (1851), and Lenau an epic
    "Faust" (1836). W. G. Wills adapted a play from
    Goethe's "Faust," which Henry Irving produced in 1885.
    Calderon's play "El Magico Prodigioso " strongly
    resembles Goethe's and Marlowe's plays, though founded
    on the legend of St. Cyprian.
    [Century Dict. 1906]

    1. The biggest failing, however, comes from showing Marlowe as a Faustus figure believing in Dog not God, leading to lines like 'Dog help me' and 'Dog Almighty'.
    2. Has Wilson developed at all in two decades? Faustus was written as a libretto by Gertrude Stein in 1938 but never composed by anyone.
    3. The horse coursing scene just misses, and this is the trouble with playing Faustus in full.
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