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 Detroit [di'trɒit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 底特律(美国城市)

  1. The auto industry has brought many people to Detroit.
  2. The Detroit contractor was asked to kick$5, 000 back as commission.
  3. The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay.

[ noun ]
the largest city in Michigan and a major Great Lakes port; center of the United States automobile industry; located in southeastern Michigan on the Detroit river across from Windsor

  1. A Roman Catholic priest who celebrated his last Mass as an inner-city pastor said he saw a new beginning in the merger of his church with another one closed by the Detroit Archdiocese.
  2. Great Lakes Bancorp said it has formed a mortgage-banking unit to expand its residential mortgage-loan business into the northern suburbs of Detroit.
  3. Rounding out the top 10 were Detroit, Boston, Dallas, Washington and Houston.
  4. "Baseball is a kind of theater: they have a lot in common." Mr. Nederlander is one of five brothers and a sister, most of whom are closely involved with the family business, run primarily from New York and Detroit.
  5. A photograph of Mr. Greenberg in 1978, taken for a Detroit News profile, showed money sprouting from trees in his office.
  6. At his side were Mayor Coleman Young of Detroit and Sen. Don Riegle.
  7. Longworth D. Quinn, chief judge of Detroit's 36th District Court and son of the longtime editor and publisher of the Michigan Chronicle, has died at age 46, apparently a suicide, police say.
  8. Ford spokesman Rex Greenslade in Detroit said Tuesday that his company had no comment on anything to do with Jaguar.
  9. John W. Sanders, 45, president of Young & Rubicam's Detroit office, will succeed Mr. Power as the top executive there.
  10. "Abandonment of the uninsured is becoming a societal disgrace and a financial disaster for many hospitals," said Edward Thomas, president of Detroit Receiving Hospital and chairman of the Michigan Hospital Association.
  11. The Detroit newspaper merger, the criminal investigation of former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos and the Pentagon bribery probe are at the top of the Justice Department agenda as Attorney General Edwin Meese III prepares to leave office.
  12. Clarence Cobb, a member of UAW Local 7 in Detroit, said it was time for a strike against Chrysler.
  13. The provision will be included in Bush's proposed Clean Air Act, which will be submitted to Congress within the next two weeks, the Detroit Free Press reported Saturday.
  14. A jury in Detroit ruled that the Eagan, Minn., airline was at fault for a 1987 plane crash that killed 156 people at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, and that the plane's maker was blameless.
  15. A jury in Detroit ruled that the Eagan, Minn., airline was at fault for a 1987 plane crash that killed 156 people at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, and that the plane's maker was blameless.
  16. Ms. Kaufman is a New York free-lance writer who grew up in Detroit.
  17. In Detroit, Gore took the opportunity of a question on his defense ideas to restate his claim to be the moderate among the Democrats.
  18. Yesterday, Ricardo's shares closed 3p lower at 162p. FFD, which is based in Coventry and Detroit in the US, made pre-tax profits of Pounds 1.58m last year on turnover of Pounds 16.5m, with the profits divided equally between the US and UK.
  19. That and a 18-5 rebounding edge contributed to a 31-20 Detroit lead.
  20. Hundreds of police officers attended separate funerals for two Detroit officers who were killed as they tried to arrest a barricaded gunman.
  21. In Minnesota, heavy rain and small hail fell at Fergus Falls and near Battle Lake; 1-inch diameter hail fell at nearby Detroit Lakes.
  22. Calvert, 34, was executive deputy director of public works in Detroit before taking the job of director of public works for the city of Fontana, Calif. She said she and Young dated from 1981-87.
  23. The brewery is owned by the German plant builder AMS Anlagenplanung GmbH (34%) and Detroit Brewing Company LLC (64%).
  24. The story said Miss Taylor was expected to be released from the hospital within two weeks and would leave on the arm of her 23-year-old boyfriend Julian Lee Hobbs of Lake Orion, a suburb of Detroit.
  25. Gentex's customers are Detroit's auto makers, Goliaths that don't shy from squeezing suppliers hard and casting off the ones too weak to take it.
  26. I don't understand that kind of priority system." Ronald J. Temple, president of Wayne County Community College in Detroit and chairman of the association's commission on urban community colleges, said such colleges need financial support.
  27. Neighbors quoted anonymously in the Detroit Free Press today said Dunbar was shot outside a house where "crack" cocaine has been sold in recent weeks.
  28. Wolman, 38, joined the AP in Detroit in 1973.
  29. Rep. John Conyers, who is running for mayor of Detroit, says a drug test he took after allegations were made about members of his campaign staff came out negative.
  30. The obstacles to proof: Its previously optimistic projections for the Free Press, the failure to undertake serious cost-cutting, and the economic recovery that boosted the Detroit area in 1985 and 1986.
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