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 Democratic-Republican Party 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. After the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson, the Democratic-Republican party split.
  2. In 1825, Democratic-Republican Party split, one of which the composition of the national Republican Party, renamed the Whig Party in 1834.
    年,民主共和党发生分裂, 其中一派组成国民共和党,1834 年改称辉格党。
  3. The early 19th century, Democratic-Republican Party split, one group claiming to be the national Republican Party, later renamed the Whig party.
    世纪初,民主共和党发生分裂, 一派自称国民共和党,后来改称 辉格党。

democratic-republican party
[ noun ]
a former major political party in the United States in the early 19th century; opposed the old Federalist party; favored a strict interpretation of the constitution in order to limit the powers of the federal government

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