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 Christie   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    prolific English writer of detective stories (1890-1976)

    1. Christie introduced him in her first novel, "The Mysterious Affair at Styles," published in 1920.
    2. When Christie and his musicians are on stage, I am inclined to think that there is more than enough to stimulate the imagination, for Purcell's delightful and magical world seems to lie at their fingertips.
    3. A SPITFIRE aircraft that saw active service in the Second World War was unsold at a Christie's auction yesterday.
    4. Christopher Burge, president of Christie's in New York, estimated recently that "Roulin" would be worth roughly the same at auction as van Gogh's "Irises," which brought $53.9 million in 1987.
    5. The oil-on-canvas painting of a Paris street bedecked with flags commemorating the war dead was bought at Christie's auction house Tuesday by an anonymous American dealer for the J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu, Calif.
    6. Dade Circuit Judge Francis Christie said surrendering the items "would tend to incriminate her" in parallel criminal investigations.
    7. Susan Dunne, a contemporary art specialist at Christie's auction house, said the prices fetched by female artists such as Joan Mitchell and Holzer are rising.
    8. The auction Wednesday at Christie's is the second day of a 12-day selling spree at that auction house and its rival _ Sotheby's.
    9. It has begun to resemble a nautical Agatha Christie novel. 'We'd prefer to have had 10 skippers start and the same 10 finish,' admitted Blyth.
    10. Sotheby's rival, Christie's International PLC, is also edging downscale.
    11. Christie's flew in Lord Carrington, a former NATO secretary general who is chairman of Christie's International, for the official Dec. 10 opening of its offices.
    12. Christie's flew in Lord Carrington, a former NATO secretary general who is chairman of Christie's International, for the official Dec. 10 opening of its offices.
    13. The jury got the case Monday after closing arguments from Scarfo attorney Robert Simone, who attacked two former gangsters who were key prosecution witnesses and Assistant District Attorney Barbara Christie.
    14. However, in anticipation of the May 31 sale of the Stillman Pontormo at Christie's, many Americans began to think for the first time that such restrictions might be a good idea here.
    15. Both men declined to disclose Mr. Christie's compensation at Kidder.
    16. The international auction houses, Sotheby's and Christie's, underwrote the $1 million reward Tuesday for safe return of the works.
    17. The company has dominated the market ever since Cyril Frankel (no relation to the writer) moved there from Christie's.
    18. A gallery representative said Christie's had been tipped to watch Suesserman.
    19. "Strong home building in 1987 is the difference between a gentle letdown and something worse," Mr. Christie said.
    20. Guy Jennings, an Impressionism expert at Christie's auction house in London, said by telephone that such minor works by Van Gogh are worth about $1 million each but would be virtually impossible to sell on the open market.
    21. With Johnson disqualified, an International Amateur Athletics Federation spokesman said Lewis moves up to first, Britain's Lindford Christie gets the silver and American Calvin Smith the bronze.
    22. The Agatha Christie property, which includes hardcover, paperback and some miscellaneous rights, is said to be its second-biggest profit center.
    23. The season ought to conclude with a bang: On June 29 in London, Christie's will auction off another important van Gogh, entitled "Le Pont de Trinquetaille."
    24. Christie's added, however, that sales in the second half were slightly higher than in the first, giving it a 48% share of the art auction market compared with its chief rival, Sotheby's Holdings Inc. Last year its share totaled 45%.
    25. Ms. Christie plays Barlow's mother Barbara, who campaigned furiously but unsuccessfully to save her 26-year-old son.
    26. It totalled Dollars 2m and was an attempt by Christie's to market photographs by modern masters in the same way as top rank Impressionist and Modern paintings. The best items went well above forecast; the less interesting failed to sell.
    27. The highest price paid for any work so far this auction season was the $7.7 million fetched by Fernand Leger's "Le petit dejeuner" at Christie's Tuesday.
    28. "It is still too early to be looking for a recovery of new-home construction in response to falling mortgage rates," Mr. Christie said.
    29. You could say that it dealt only with everyday concerns of mature women moving to the country - but it is written by Fay Weldon, which would have guaranteed its unusual felicity even if it had not been so likeably read by Julie Christie.
    30. The decline was concentrated in multifamily housing construction, Dodge vice president and economist George A. Christie said.
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