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 Christmas Eve 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Mr Smith was very happy on Christmas Eve because he received a batch of letters from his friends.
  2. A Christian festival observed from December24, Christmas Eve, to January5, the eve of Epiphany.
  3. We went to the church to celebrate Christmas Eve.

christmas eve
[ noun ]
the day before Christmas

Christmas \Christ"mas\, n. [Christ + mass.]
An annual church festival (December 25) and in some States a
legal holiday, in memory of the birth of Christ, often
celebrated by a particular church service, and also by
special gifts, greetings, and hospitality.

{Christmas box}.
(a) A box in which presents are deposited at Christmas.
(b) A present or small gratuity given to young people and
servants at Christmas; a Christmas gift.

{Christmas carol}, a carol sung at, or suitable for,

{Christmas day}. Same as {Christmas}.

{Christmas eve}, the evening before Christmas.

{Christmas fern} (Bot.), an evergreen North American fern
({Aspidium acrostichoides}), which is much used for
decoration in winter.

{Christmas flower}, {Christmas rose}, the black hellebore, a
poisonous plant of the buttercup family, which in Southern
Europe often produces beautiful roselike flowers

{Christmas tree}, a small evergreen tree, set up indoors, to
be decorated with bonbons, presents, etc., and illuminated
on Christmas eve.

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