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 Calder   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    United States sculptor who first created mobiles and stabiles (1898-1976)

    1. Not only the police arrive to see what's up, but also (on press night, at any rate) David Calder, the RSC's new Shylock, from the theatre next door.
    2. Jenni Calder and James Pope-Hennessy are still available and - oh Lord - there are probably more in the pipeline for next year's centenary.
    3. Bill Calder, Mr. Hatfield's spokesman, says that there may be an "appearance of impropriety" but that the public hasn't underwritten any of the expenses for Mr. Frank's personal business trips.
    4. Three years ago, four San Diego clients of Mr. Calder died in an airplane crash.
    5. Graydon Calder, a San Diego financial planner, recommends using 5% or 6%, an objective that can be met without putting all of one's capital in fixed-rate investments.
    6. But investigators received Mr. Calder's memos from his attorneys only about three months ago.
    7. Following Pope's death, the Enquirer's president and editor, Iain Calder, was named chairman of GP Group Inc., which owns the tabloids.
    8. Jim Calder, who was security chief at the missile division in the late 1970s, made a note to his file after a meeting with Mr. Caso and Mr. Caso's boss, Eugene Babb, to discuss the new arrangement.
    9. The senator, however, wasn't required to disclose the scholarship, according to Mr. Calder.
    10. The environment also plays havoc with medical supplies, according to Maj. Mike Calder, chief nurse at the 28th combat support hospital.
    11. But Mr. Calder says cut-rate, do-it-yourself living trust kits available at book or stationery stores aren't worth your time.
    12. As David Calder plays him - with great distinction, and with marvellously eloquent vocal tone - he is the most civilised man in Venice.
    13. He's been paying good money to these sources for a long time." Calder believes he knows why the tabloid is under siege.
    14. The negotiations, aimed at resolving a dispute over Pan Am's demands for wage cuts and work-rule changes, were scheduled to resume Sunday afternoon, said Alex Calder, a spokesman for the Teamsters' airlines division.
    15. When Mr. Wood died, Mr. Calder says it took "only a matter of hours" to distribute the assets in the trust following Mr. Woods's instructions.
    16. The special ranged as far as New Zealand to observe a team of 10 sheepdogs who help one couple manage a huge, remote sheep farm. "Without the dogs," says farmer Grant Calder, "we'd be broke in 12 months."
    17. The pattern was set. Of what does the characteristic Calder mobile consist?
    18. "It was a mistake." Mr. Calder said the senator would file supplemental disclosure forms.
    19. Melbourne County Court Judge Mervyn Kimm said Leonard Calder Freeman took bribes of unknown value while working as a purchasing officer at the Australian Federal Government Aircraft Factory in Melbourne.
    20. Richard Calder, a spokesman at the embassy press office in London, said the FAA office in London passed on the warning to Britain's Department of Transport and to U.S. carriers in Britain.
    21. Mr. Calder has worked at the Enquirer for 25 years.
    22. "It's a useful device if a person doesn't have any heirs" to whom he wants to leave the property, says Graydon Calder, a San Diego financial planner.
    23. There must have been at least 100 men in there," Calder said. "Men were shouting into their radios: `We need breathing apparatus.
    24. "Our leverage with Japan is declining so we have to use Japan-bashing to achieve things, and this is causing a backlash," said Kent Calder, a Japan specialist at Princeton University in the United States.
    25. "Present management as a group is intended to stay in place," said Mr. Calder, who is 63 years old, adding "I would like to stay, but that hasn't been decided."
    26. Trapeze artists somersault and fly from bar to bar, fall off into the safety net and, with Calder's assistance, make their way to the edge and swing to the floor.
    27. "The senator has always believed we should not be tinkering with the act," Calder said.
    28. "As far as I know, this was just something we were checking out and we've no plans to run a story," Calder said.
    29. Calder noted that the election marked the first big defeat for the pro-business Liberal Democrats since Japan emerged as a financial superpower.
    30. The FBI alleged the dentist said he would charge $15,000 to kill the horse at Calder _ $2,500 down and the rest upon settlement of the insurance claim.
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