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 Caldwell ['kɔ:ldwəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    United States author remembered for novels about poverty and degeneration (1903-1987)

    1. Caldwell told authorities he saw a young man jump into his car and drive away.
    2. Mr. Osterhoff was suggested for the top financial job by Phillip Caldwell, a Digital director who was then chairman of Ford.
    3. Armstrong also elected Robert H. Caldwell, 57, formerly an executive vice president, as senior executive vice president.
    4. Peter Caldwell, automotive analyst at Smith New Court PLC, said Ford may have made its move now because it believed Jaguar's share price was headed higher, or because it wanted to preempt a move by another auto maker.
    5. Mrs. Padgett said Caldwell dropped out of high school to join the Navy, was rebuffed because of his age but joined a year later and eventually returned to Georgia to marry a woman 10 years his senior.
    6. Asked that local officials file criminal charges against Ms. Caldwell for operating unlicensed nursing homes.
    7. Directory information showed no listing for P&M Enterprises in Caldwell.
    8. Banister said a few inmates were treated at Caldwell County Hospital in Princeton, while others were admitted to the prison medical unit.
    9. The company came under scrutiny in May when employee Bob Allen called the attorney general's office, Caldwell's report said.
    10. The newspaper also cited unidentified sources who said Caldwell recently complained of being unable to get a job in his hometown of Latrobe and of being haunted by notoriety from the murders.
    11. Caldwell could not be reached for comment Wednesday, but last week she told the AP that the nursing home had believed Ms. Stringfellow was dead because "she had no pulse, no blood pressure, nothing.
    12. Horne passed the girl's comment on to Sgt. Jeff Ujcic, who then notified his lieutenant, Ralph Caldwell.
    13. Mitchell, an expert in municipal bond law, was the top man in the firm of Caldwell, Trimble and Mitchell.
    14. Dr. Randall Caldwell, medical director of the Riley pediatric cardiac transplantation program, said Page had hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a fatal congenital abnormality that occurs in about one in 6,000 births.
    15. The faculty raised concerns about his his understanding of the moderate-conservative rift, his appreciation of the "broad Baptist constituency" and his leadership skills, Caldwell said.
    16. "Not all VA hospitals are created equal in terms of facilities, supplies or services provided veterans," said Caldwell.
    17. Penrod assumed the identities of dead or fictitious people, Caldwell said.
    18. Caldwell said he found ashes from 244 cremated bodies, many of them unidentified, in a cabinet and on shelves in the celler of the crematory at Eastern.
    19. Drummond's view of the Bible is one I cannot accept," the Rev. Mark Caldwell, a moderate trustee from Washington, D.C., said in an interview.
    20. National Aluminum's unit employs about 500 workers in Caldwell, Ohio; Salisbury, N.C.; and Newport, Ark.
    21. H.F. Henderson Industries Inc., West Caldwell, N.J., process control and engineering systems, $22.9 million.
    22. The results were reported by Jacques R. Caldwell, an arthritis specialist associated with the University of Florida medical school in Gainesville.
    23. When the parents of 12-year-old Sarah Caldwell buried their strangled daughter, their 10-year-old son was close to dying from stab wounds.
    24. Tremendous credit is due, too, to Zoe Caldwell, who directed the production with inventiveness and a sure hand.
    25. The venture, Caldwell Lamalie International, has 15 offices in operation and, through the parent companies, expects to have 10 more in place by 1993.
    26. "The housemother would not allow the officers in," Caldwell said. "Then she turns around and criticizes us for not taking any action." Caldwell said prosecutors will consider such charges as unlawful entry, indecent exposure and theft.
    27. "The housemother would not allow the officers in," Caldwell said. "Then she turns around and criticizes us for not taking any action." Caldwell said prosecutors will consider such charges as unlawful entry, indecent exposure and theft.
    28. It said it already has spent about $300,000 to investigate and clean up the West Caldwell site and has assumed responsibility for the Fairfield facility.
    29. There were no warning lights or bars at the crossing, which is not uncommon since it was on private land, state police spokeswoman Lucy Caldwell said.
    30. H.F. Henderson Industries Inc., West Caldwell, N.J., process control and engineering systems, $42.3 million.
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