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 Beltsville 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The men worked for the James Myers Co. of Beltsville, Md.
    2. This year's was won by animal physiologist Lawrence A. Johnson, who is working on selecting the sex of livestock before birth at the agency's animal reproduction laboratory, Beltsville, Md.
    3. So it asked Beltsville to join in the tests.
    4. Luxurious cosmetics, for instance, now are sold at cut-rate prices by Cosmetic Center of Beltsville, Md.
    5. Hachiro Shimanuki, a microbiologist at the USDA beneficial insects laboratory in Beltsville, Md., said the Africanized bees are known carriers of a devastating bee mite called the varroa Jacobsoni.
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