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 beltway   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the center

    1. At stops in Texas and Nebraska on Monday, Congress was the villain along with that "inside-the-Washington, D.C., beltway jargon." More of the same was certain to follow today as Bush campaigns in Iowa, Illinois and Michigan.
    2. "You can sit inside the (Washington) beltway and make those judgments all day long.
    3. I wish that we could have got it done without all this inside the beltway furor.
    4. Bush's campaign manager, Lee Atwater, has said he pays close attention to the Carson monologues "as a barometer of how the candidates play in the `real' America beyond the beltway," the highway that encircles Washington, Lichter and Amundson said.
    5. "It's probably safe to assume there aren't a lot of firms around the beltway lusting after no-profit contracts," he said.
    6. In Santo Domingo, with 2 million inhabitants, an estimated 500,000 people are living in unsanitary, crowded shacks as they wait for new housing projects because the government bulldozed their homes to make way for a beltway.
    7. First, the nest appears to have been built in the past month, long after the Seminole County Expressway Authority plotted where its beltway section would run through the county.
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