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 Alon 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. "Our main problem is that the world media is understanding the outcome of the PNC as recognition of Israel," says Alon Liel, spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry.
    2. Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Alon Liel said the two-day meeting would be devoted to ironing out U.S.-Soviet differences over the role of superpowers in the proposed international forum.
    3. Foreign Ministry spokesman Alon Liel said he planned to convey Israel's displeasure through diplomatic channels before the convening of the U.N. General Assembly next month.
    4. Israel acceded to Egypt's request to fly its flag in an attempt to get talks moving on the last obstacles before the land along the Red Sea is handed back, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Alon Liel.
    5. Foreign Ministry spokesman Alon Liel said he realizes the Palestinians want a final solution, not an interim one, but that "the Israeli thinking is if we start from the end, we won't have a beginning.
    6. In Washington, State Department deputy spokesman Richard Boucher said the United States was dismayed by reports of new settlements at Dugit in the Gaza Strip and Alon in the West Bank.
    7. "Israel expresses displeasure with the Security Council's one-sided approach, which ignored Israel's security needs," said Ministry spokesman Alon Liel.
    8. Alon Liel, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry headed by Labor Party leader Shimon Peres, said the Ministry was studying the situation.
    9. Alon Liel, Foreign Ministry spokesman, said Monday the Israelis would hold Syria and Iran responsible for the safety of the soldiers.
    10. Alon Liel, a spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, said the statement was "`blatantly one-sided."
    11. He was the first foreigner to be kidnapped in the occupied lands, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Alon Liel.
    12. Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alon Liel said in an interview it was "not 100 percent clear" whether the cease-fire encompassed only Arafat's own Fatah guerrillas or all Palestine Liberation Organization factions.
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