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 alone [ә'lәun]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 孤独的, 单独的, 独自的

ad. 独自地

  1. I was alone in the classroom.
  2. You can't live on bread alone.
  3. I haven't decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food.
    我还没决定吃什么菜呢, 更不必说买好了.

[ adv ]
  1. without any others being included or involved

  2. <adv.all>
    was entirely to blame
    a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children
    he works for Mr. Smith exclusively
    did it solely for money
    the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone
    a privilege granted only to him
  3. without anybody else or anything else

  4. <adv.all>
    the child stayed home alone
    the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing
    he flew solo
[ adj ]
  1. isolated from others

  2. <adj.all>
    could be alone in a crowded room
    was alone with her thoughts
    I want to be alone
  3. lacking companions or companionship

  4. <adj.all>
    he was alone when we met him
    she is alone much of the time
    the lone skier on the mountain
    a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel
    a lonely soul
    a solitary traveler
  5. exclusive of anyone or anything else

  6. <adj.all>
    she alone believed him
    cannot live by bread alone
    I'll have this car and this car only
  7. radically distinctive and without equal

  8. <adj.all>
    he is alone in the field of microbiology
    this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem
    Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint
    craftsmen whose skill is unequaled
    unparalleled athletic ability
    a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history

Alone \A*lone"\, adv.
Solely; simply; exclusively.

Alone \A*lone"\, a. [All + one. OE. al one all allone, AS. [=a]n
one, alone. See {All}, {One}, {Lone}.]
1. Quite by one's self; apart from, or exclusive of, others;
single; solitary; -- applied to a person or thing.

Alone on a wide, wide sea. --Coleridge.

It is not good that the man should be alone. --Gen.
ii. 18.

2. Of or by itself; by themselves; without any thing more or
any one else; without a sharer; only.

Man shall not live by bread alone. --Luke iv. 4.

The citizens alone should be at the expense.

3. Sole; only; exclusive. [R.]

God, by whose alone power and conversation we all
live, and move, and have our being. --Bentley.

4. Hence; Unique; rare; matchless. --Shak.

Note: The adjective alone commonly follows its noun.

{To let alone} or {To leave alone}, to abstain from
interfering with or molesting; to suffer to remain in its
present state.

  1. In animal tests, the liposome vaccine produced "significantly" more antibodies than did a vaccine alone, says Philip Livingston, a Sloan-Kettering researcher.
  2. In the first two months of this year alone, Ms. Moore arranged $1.3 billion of credit for three big companies that entered Chapter 11 proceedings.
  3. We would like to do more, but it would be wrong to rely on government funding alone. The industry, which stands to reap the direct financial benefits, must also play an active role.
  4. A few firefighters can knock down a small blaze that might be impossible to control if left alone, he noted.
  5. Heaven and Mr William Cash alone know what the prime minister's response would be. Mr Major may never be put to this particular torture.
  6. He spoke eloquently about his framework for taxation, but dodged being pinned down on detail. Second, Labour is trying to pick up what suits it from Germany, leaving the rest alone.
  7. That alone is a fairly tall order, however.
  8. His fee from this case alone could catapult him onto the Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans.
  9. And in an analysis of 60 cases assigned to summary trial, the judge concluded his court would save $20,000 a day in jury costs alone by avoiding full trials.
  10. For instance the shortie jacket over legs alone became a sort of pretty coat-dress this time and in fact was cut sexily like a tulip.
  11. Hyatt alone is building three such resorts in Hawaii, including one that will feature a swimming pool nearly an acre in size, with waterfalls and swim-up bars.
  12. "The government is not at war with the airlines," he added. "But it's not enough for the government to do it alone." In the four seizures since August, 494 pounds of cocaine has been found aboard Eastern aircraft.
  13. I can come in, do my voices alone.
  14. "In Missouri alone, only about 50 percent of our corn crop has been planted and we are more than two weeks behind normal planting cotton," said Sen. Christopher Bond, R-Mo., who spearheaded the senators' efforts.
  15. "My biggest shareholders don't know who I am, let alone care whether we build a new mill in Alabama," complains Andrew Sigler, the chief executive officer of Champion International Corp.
  16. Hisham Nazer, the oil minister of Saudi Arabia, said on Monday in Vienna there was "unanimous recognition in OPEC" that OPEC alone cannot keep supplies low enough to prevent prices from lagging.
  17. Sometimes small children travelled alone to join parents or other kinfolk.
  18. In December alone, industrial production rose 0.3% from a year earlier and a seasonally adjusted 2.9% from November, the ministry said.
  19. According to the royal palace, the crackdown left 10 people dead and 107 injured throughout the country on April 6. But witnesses said at least 200 people were killed in Katmandu alone.
  20. Earl said today that the government promised not to stop cars of suspected aliens based on appearance alone, "but that was never done anyway.
  21. FortuneCity climbed the world's premier league of web sites and has more unique users than eBay and CDNow (PC Data Online June 1999), Registered users doubled from 1,5 million to 3,1 million in the last 90 days alone.
  22. She has her special reasons for this peculiar lapse of knowledge, but she isn't alone.
  23. Boarding schools are finding life particularly tough going, with boarding numbers down 10 per cent in the last three years alone. Significantly, more than 60 per cent of Westminster's pupils are now day only.
  24. Among the nation's Big Three automakers, Ford alone showed increased sales during late February, the month or during the first two months of the year.
  25. A mandatory comparison of the benefits under different pension schemes - and a clear written statement of the reasons why any transfer should be made - would be good places to start. Still, SIB is not acting alone.
  26. More important, it is worth envisioning what would happen if the Security Council did, for the sake of regionalism alone, "empower" a country like Brazil.
  27. Alumni and professors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology alone started more than 600 companies in the state, and students are big spenders in the local economy.
  28. Lower interest rates alone, he says, will not revive a market in which buyers believe asset values will continue to fall.
  29. Britain's Prime Minister Thatcher alone dissented.
  30. When Mrs. Kawaguchi told the company that her health would not allow her to keep her job and care for her three children alone, it replied that family circumstances were irrelevant, she said.
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