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 霉菌污染 [méi jūn wū rǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
mould contamination

  1. 文摘:通过试验,对乳饮料霉菌污染问题进行了探讨。
    Abstract: Through the experiments, this paper discusses the mould contamination problem in the drinks containing milk.
  2. 分析了乳饮料霉菌污染的原因,讨论了不同处理温度和时间对乳饮料的灭菌效果及不同的抑菌剂的抑菌效果。
    It analyses the reasons of the mould contamination, then discusses the sterilization effects of different temperature treatments and time, also discusses the inhibition effects of the different preservatives.
  3. 长庚医院毒物科主任林杰梁:细菌污染会造成细菌性食物性中毒,假如是霉菌污染,可能就是致癌性风险在里面。
    Head of toxicology at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Lin Jie-liang said that bacteria in food can cause food poisoning, but contamination with mold has different effects that are possibly carcinogenic.

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