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 集体模型 [jí tǐ mó xíng添加此单词到默认生词本
[核] collective model

  1. 模型表现集体行为仍将十分困难,存在诸多阻力。
    It will remain difficult to model these collective movements. There is much resistance.
  2. 本文建立了一个基于权力结构因素的两阶段集体寻租博弈模型
    The article built a two phase collective that is based on power structure element to find model of the play chess that hire rich.
  3. 在这里需要找出影响集体逃生舱的总体性能的关键性因素,以确定适用于实艇的相对最佳的集体逃生舱模型
    Here we need to find out the key factors affect the whole performance of the collectivity escaping chamber, and determine the best model of it in the submarine.

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