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 集体潜意识 添加此单词到默认生词本
collective unconscious

  1. 相反,它们来自一种“集体潜意识”,那里汇聚了人类共有的情感。
    Rather, all myths come from a collective unconscious which serves as a great reservoir for universal human emotions.
  2. 虽然它是从原型出发,但是到最后我们终于了解他是我们心中与集体潜意识距离最遥远的一部分。
    Although it begins as an archetype, by the time we are finished realizing it, it is the part of us most distant from the collective unconscious.
  3. 现在,人类持续叛乱的原型——被象征为魔鬼的自我意志的智力,在集体潜意识中被囚禁了一段时间。
    Now the archetype of mans continual rebellions, the self-willed intellect symbolized as the devil, is confined for a time in the collective unconsciousness.

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