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 阴平阳秘 添加此单词到默认生词本
yin and yang in equilibrium

  1. 针灸治疗,其实质就是通过作用于经络,调整病态之神,使患者恢复“阴平阳秘”状态。
    In fact, acupuncture is to turn Shen from morbid to normal, to keep yin and yang in banlance.
  2. 其二是“自控调节”具有识别应激。调节病理状态、适应原样等,对机体进行平衡调节使“阴平阳秘”。
    secondly, "regulation of self-control" can differentiate stress, regulate pathological state and adapt to original state and adjust the balance of the organism and balance of Yin andY ang.
  3. 研究老子“一生二”的理论、阳理论或者辩证法原理时,我们要注意人们常见的太极图是一种“阴平阳秘”的完美图形,是一种最和谐的状态。
    Studying Laozi's theory of "One creates two", Yin and Yang, or dialectics, we should notice that the familiar Tai-Chi symbol is an ideal shape, the most harmonious state of Yin and Yang.

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