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 阴性期 添加此单词到默认生词本
apophylactic phase
negative phase

  1. 结论:脑梗死的CT检出与发病时间相关; 脑梗死的病理改变及CT表现分为四:急性- CT阴性期
    There exist four phases of pathology and CT manifestations of cerebral infarction: acute phase-CT negative;
  2. 缓解MRD持续阳性或由阴性转为阳性者,骨髓复发的相对危险度明显增高(P< 0 .0 5 )。
    The cases whose MRD was persistently positive or changed from negative to positive during CR had a higher relative risk for relapse (P< 0.05 ).
  3. 急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)不同病患者组的p16蛋白表达值,均为阴性表达;
    The value of P16 protein of simple anemia patients is positive, while the P16 protein of ALL patients in different stages is all negative;

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