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 铵态氮 [ǎn tài dàn添加此单词到默认生词本
[肥料] ammonium nitrogen

  1. 并且双氰胺通过其硝化抑制作用可以延缓铵态氮的硝化速率,使施入的碳能较长时间的以铵态氮的形存在。
    And DCD inhibits the nitrification of ammonium nitrogen and made soil preserve more ammonium nitrogen in a longer period.
  2. 对不同施磷量土壤铵态氮浓度与氨挥发的关系进行了研究。
    The relationship between ammonium nitrogen content and ammonia volatilization with different phosphorus fertilizer application was studied.
  3. 态氮使蔬菜硝酸盐含量迅速上升,铵态氮尤其氯化硝酸盐增加较少。
    The nitrate nitrogen makes the vegetable nitrate quickly rising, the ammonium nitrogen especially the ammonia chloride nitrate decrease the nitrate content.

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