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 银币名 [yín bì míng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 说着他翻开口袋,把钱全倒在桌子上,一共有十几块金洋,五六块艾居[法国银币名。 ]和一些小零币。
    And he emptied his pockets on the table, the contents consisting of a dozen gold pieces, five or six five-franc pieces, and some smaller coin.
  2. 这个钱币记录袁世凯这位野心家八十三天的帝王之梦,它有响当当的号叫「洪宪飞龙」银币
    This coin records the 83-day dream of imperial restoration harbored by Yuan Shih-kai, an ambitious adventurist, and carries the name "Yuan-tat'ou. ""
  3. (左)清末的银币因为背面铸有蟠龙图案,故称为「龙洋」,面值最大的一元又「大洋」。
    Because at the end of the Ching dynasty the silver coin had a dragon on the back, it was called the "dragon coin. " That with the largest face value was called "great coin.

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