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 通票 [tōng piào添加此单词到默认生词本
[交] through ticket

  1. 购买巴黎博物馆通票也可以进卢浮宫。
    The Louvre is also covered by the Paris Museum Pass .
  2. 好的,你可以买一张通票,那好像不是一张票,但是,在右上边,这次显然是,公共汽车和地铁票。
    Well, you can buy a pass, which would seem conceptually not to be a ticket, but at top left was somewhat obvious this time bus and subway tickets.
  3. 目前,哈恩每周的生活费为200欧元,房租一直靠母亲资助。他表示,在父母办完婚事后,他将用剩下的钱去读书并为自己买一张德国的火车通票
    Hahn, who lives on 200 euros a week and has his rent paid by his mother, said he wanted to use some of the rest of the cash to finance his studies and buy a rail pass, RTL said.

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